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As previously stated I do not own the obvious famous people through out the story. :) Don't be too cruel with comments.

I had never thought I would be sitting in the middle of the Camp Nou wearing the white kit of my old team's rival. Until this past summer, I was a BARCA fan all the way. Then I got an offer from a friend of my dad to stay in Madrid. That would not have turned me into the Madridista I am now, but one experience set it all in motion.

~This Past Summer...

It was my first day in Spain yet alone Madrid. I was in the backyard kicking a soccer ball around, and the family I was staying with was inside. I heard the door bell ring, but who was I to answer their door, so I just kept playing. I was currently juggling, and was at 1,207, and I heard the back door open. I was well on my way to breaking my record of 2,250 when I heard someone chuckle. It was an unfamiliar sound, so I was suitably startled, and screwed up. Needless to say I was pissed. I turned around ready to scream my lungs out when I saw who was standing there. Apparently my father's friend, Joseph McClain, was childhood friends with the one and only Jose Mourinho, and they conveniently forgot to inform me ahead of time. He had been standing there for god knows how long watching me juggle. 'Damn I just can't catch a break!' I screamed mentally. Anyway, I stood gaping like a fish for what felt like forever, until he, Mourinho that is, said " You've got quite a bit of skill for someone so young."

My knee jurk reaction was to think ' I am not young! I am nearly 18!' My next though after that was that he had to switch the "for a girl" quickly because he figured I wouldn't like that. And damn straight I didn't appreciate being compared to guys even though I am better than most guys I have played with and against. Then he said something that knocked me back in to reality, well I did think I was dreaming at first, but you know what I mean. He gave me an offer, and I just couldn't refuse.

Born and Raised BARCA ~ MadridistaWhere stories live. Discover now