Chapter 22

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I hate football wives. I always thought the way they acted on those crappy reality tv shows was fake, but I was wrong. I understood feeling like every woman only befriended you to get close to your man so that they could steal him away or using you for the free perks that came with having a rich husband. I also understood when some women decide to stay home and take care of their families, I wouldn't so it myself because I'm career oriented and didn't want to solely depend on Knox and he knew that and understood.

So when I met these women for the first time at a post-draft party that the Chargers invited Knox to they treated me like I was either a groupie or gold digger. But I wasn't a groupie or gold digger looking for a come up, I was engaged to the man of my dreams and wasn't looking at any other man to take his place. I also have may own career goals and didn't plan on just living life as a kept women because Knox got a big contract.

"You look excited to be here." a woman who I'd seen at the draft party said to me, we didn't speak then because at some point during the party I just stayed with Knox and was ignored by many of the other women that were attending.

"Is it that obvious?" I tried to make myself look somewhat happy to be here but I truly wasn't. There were a lot of better things I could be doing with my time instead of sitting around gossiping.

"I'm just messing with you, this must be your first WAGS luncheon."

"It is."

"Who's your husband?"

"Fiancé, Knox Miller."

"Ah the first round pick, makes since why none of the others are around you."


"You only have the ring, which means you can still try and take their more established and rich men."

"I don't want anyone else's man but my own. And I'm not with Knox because of the money. I have my own career."

"I can tell."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're not flaunting expensive clothes or jewelry besides your ring. Which tells me that you and I will be great friends. I'm Laura, the owners wife."

"It's nice to meet you Laura."

"You to, Madison right."

"How'd you know my name?"

"Knox couldn't stop talking about you when he met my husband and I after his press conference a few weeks ago. I must say your pictures do you no justice."

"Thank you Laura."

"You're welcome, Knox said you were starting medical school. What were you planning to do?"

"I plan on becoming a pediatric oncologist."

"What made you choose that?"

"My younger brother was diagnosed with leukemia my senior year of high school and he's been my motivation to finish so that I could help kids like him be cured so that they can continue enjoying their childhoods."

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