Journey on God's Path

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The school day was normal after study hall. All of my other friends accepted the new me. People pointed at me and talked about me all day. I got home and my mom was still at work. I decided to call my pastor Jesse. When he answered, I said "Hey! I have had such a rough day and need someone to talk to. Can you talk?"

He said "Yeah! Anytime you need to talk to someone call me. So, what's up kid?"

"People taunted me all day about being Christian and being saved. They pointed at me and talked about me. I also lost a good friend." I told Jesse.

"That is normal. People will do that to you a lot. It does not matter what people think, it's what God thinks that matters." He replied.

"Thank you for the advice! It's really helpful." I said.

"Your welcome. I will pray for ya. Keep on loving people!" He said.

"I will. Bye!" I said.

Then I hung up. I felt a lot better knowing that I can lay it all in God's hands. I knelt down and prayed. I asked God to take the situation and told Him to give me strength to get through the rest of the week. A Christian life may not be easy but it's a great life to live with Jesus in my heart, knowing that one day I will meet Him face to face! I thought.

At about six, my mom got home from work. She started to make my favorite dinner, tacos, because she know I had a rough day but she didn't ask. We sat down at the table and we blessed the food as a family. It felt awesome to know that God has blessed me with a family that loves Jesus as much as I do!

I ate my dinner and went through my nightly routine of my shower, drying my hair and brushing my teeth. I added an hour or two for my bible time. I read out of Philippians and read my favorite verse "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13. I have ended the day perfectly.

I woke up at 7:30. Crap! I thought. I'm going to be late! I rushed around the house and ended up wearing a hoodie, sweatpants and my vans. I had to leave at 7:45 but I didn't until 8:15. I didn't get to school until 8:30. I was really late for school.

I got into school and signed in. My teacher at the time was Mrs.Cameron. I knew she would yell at me. I walked in and she was pretty mean. She yelled at me for being late to her class and I say down. Kay wasn't there so I was really bored. This day will be very slow. I thought.

Finally, the bell rang and I went to math. I walked in and the other students laughed at me. I had figured that the word had now gotten out to everyone. I ignored them until they started saying things about Jesus that was rude. I stood up and told them exactly what I wanted to say. I said "Jesus loves everyone more than I can explain. He is not a liar for one and He is not stupid. If you accept Him you will be way better off."

"Like my life will be better with Jesus. My life is already perfect. I don't need a change." One of the boys replied.

"I thought that too until Jesus opened up my heart. Here's a card to the church I go to, The Well. Give it a try please. I handed him the card I had in my purse. I thought he would throw it back but he just smiled.

"Thanks. I will give it a try." He said back.

I think I just brought someone to Jesus. I thought. I walked back to my seat with a smile. I am doing just what God wants me to do until He calls me to do something else.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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