Epilogue - 5 years later

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The many charms that made the bracelet hang heavy on her wrist tinkled as she reached up, balancing precariously on a chair to reach for a wine glass situated on the highest shelf of the small kitchen. Her fingers barely brushed the clear surface, when a sudden shift of her center made her wobble, and would've fallen had a pair of strong arms not quickly grab her by her calf, steadying her. Pandora looked down, and flushed when she saw Rhys and the way his features arranged themselves in an admonishing manner. She did not argue as he lifted her down from the chair, setting her firmly on the ground before he turned his scolding eyes on her.

"Have I not told you to tell me when you wanted to get something?" he murmured, brushing her blonde locks away, and smacking her lightly on her forehead.

She winced, and gave a sheepish grin. "I didn't want to disturb your packing. We only have the study to finish up after all, and I realized we forgot to get the last glass in the cabinet."

"Just call me. I'll get to it, silly. You okay?" he asked gently, rubbing her back, knowing how sore it could get recently after the first trimester had passed.

She grinned, nodding and then held up her bracelet and waved it in front of Rhys with a confident smile. "My lucky charm, remember?" It was filled with the charms he had gotten for her more then eight years ago, along with the few he had added in when she had been gone. But in addition to that, there were two more new charms. One, was of a ring with a diamond, which Rhys had bought for her the day he had proposed to her, a year after she had returned to work with the CIASF. The other was of a baby bottle, bought just a little over 3 months ago after they visited the gynaecologist to confirm their suspicion that Pandora was pregnant.

Right after they had passed the rest of their boxes to the movers, they were in fact heading out to the shop again, to get a third, new charm to add on to her bracelet. Pandora had picked one out weeks ago, of a stately house with glass windows, signifying their move to a new neighborhood, to a bigger house which would be able to fit them and their new baby.

Rhys chuckled, and pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. Even after 5 years, he held on to her as tightly as he did that first night she had returned to his apartment with him, and he had shown her the rest of what was in the box Anthony had sealed when she left. Eventually, fragments of memory had returned to Pandora, and while she did not remember everything, it was enough to remind her of who Rhys was, and of how much she enjoyed her time in the CIASF. Her parents no longer caused her grief, and Pandora was happy to announce that they were slated for a month-long Atlantic cruise soon.

"Are you two coming yet? The truck has been waiting for forever." 

Anthony's head popped in following his voice, and he grinned slyly when he saw Rhys holding Pandora around he waist, the flush easily visible on her porcelain features. "Oh, should I leave? I can always buy the driver some coffee while we wait." Anthony laughed as Rhys made a motion of flinging an imaginary object at him.

"Get lost, Tony. We'll be down in a bit." Rhys growled. Pandora laughed watching Anthony slip away, and her eyes followed Rhys as he clambered on the chair, reached for the final glass which he carefully added to the box of glassware. Picking the open box up, the male walked towards his wife of three years, grinning.

"Shall we?"

"Its our first actual house together, so..." she put on a mock thoughtful look for a bit, and then flashed him a grin. "Of course."


Thank you for following Pandora and Rhys's story all the way! They were never meant to have a long, drawn out story. It was honestly just a random one-off idea I got that I expanded a little to get what you have here, primarily also because Pandora and Rhys' in my head are so entirely in love with each other that really, no other external factor would be able to break them apart other then her actually forgetting about him. xD

I hope you enjoyed this story - and do pop by my new Teen Fiction called The Heartbreaker's Home! Trust me, Kelsey and Declan have... a whole lotta drama coming their way. And I'm excited to start work on Charlotte's story and go back to the world of Fabian and Elle soon!

Once again, thank you for all the support and I hope you have enjoyed yourself! <3

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