Chapter 7- Your cruel actions

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Song: BTS - Save Me

Song: BTS - Save Me

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~Irene Blair~

My heart fluttered in peace feeling Zachariah next to me. He was drawing gentle patterns on my bare stomach. "Zach..." I mumbled and he instantly moved his hand. I peaked to see his shocked expression, he had a slight blush on his face. 

I covered my stomach and quickly got out of bed to the bathroom. I don't want him looking at my hideous morning face that even Shrek would be jealous of. I noticed the light pink marks around my neck and chest and blushed heavily. He gave me hickeys. Wow, that's interesting, they didn't heal yet since I have slow healing and I covered them with a turtleneck so no one questions me, aka Flora. 

After my morning routine, I went back to my room. 

His sexy self was still laying down in the bed, eyes closed. I checked the time: 12 pm. Nothing new. 

"Aren't you getting ready?" I asked. He shook his head getting under the covers. "Hey, get up," I tried to pull the covers off him but he snuggled in more groaning. "Fine, I'm going downstairs, see you later." He's worse than me, waking up wise. 

I skipped to the kitchen for some food. Uh Oh. Lemon. He's alone. 

I ignored him and made some eggs and toast for myself, it was a breakfast during lunch kind of day. 

"Ahem," I glanced at him in question. "Look, I'm going to apologise for hurting you and saying all the stuff about you sucking dick-" I raised my eyebrows in annoyance, "but I'm not going to apologise for calling you an Omega, you don't deserve to be our Luna!" 'Apology' my ass.  

"Don't even bother. You nearly died for your actions and I don't need a sorry excuse of an apology from you because I pity you." I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

"I am not here to become the Luna that you want, I will be the Luna that this Pack needs. So save your breath to when we become the best Pack after the Royal's," He looked astonished. "I am Zachariah's soulmate, you're not; if you want to be his soulmate then, by all means, you can try," A deep redness covered his ears. "But I'm sure you don't have the guts, so stay in your lane Lemon!" He rolled his eyes as I grabbed my food and left the kitchen. Asshole. An asshole that I felt sorry for. 

"I am sorry," I stopped. 

"Don't apologise for your opinions, apologise when you are wrong," Ignorance is not a fucking bliss. I walked away to the living room. 

Flora sat there watching Mulan, it's her favourite Disney movie whilst mine was Beauty and the Beast.  

She looked at my food and tore some bread eating it. I swat her hand away. Cow. 

"So, How was the first night with Jayden?" I asked as her eyes intensified.

"He is so sweet, like literally so adorably sweet. I'm so happy that he's my mate, I talked to him for so long just about anything. Also, he's a proper Spooner and knows how to make me laugh pissing myself haha. Were you okay sleeping without me?" I'm glad she's happy.

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