Who are you?

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 Zico's POV

Weakness. That's what I felt first. My whole body was hurting. I tried moving, but there was a strong pain coming from my torso and my limbs which made me stop.

Darkness. I opened my eyes. The darkness was still there. I closed my eyes and opened them again. The darkness was still feeding on me.

What is happening?! What's wrong with me?- I tried to speak, but I didn't have any power to open my mouth.

Fear and confusion were taking over my mind and body.


They were getting closer and closer.

I could hear muffled voices coming my way.

They were becoming more comprehensible as they got closer.

"-but as I had said before, we need to make the next intervention fast or else his condition might become worse", I heard a man say.

"We will pay you. No matter how much, we will pay you. So just make him as he was before!", said a wo—mother??

"Mr, Mrs Woo, I promise you I will try my hardest to help your son. Our--"

"W..where...am...am...", I barely managed to mumble the words.

Everything was quiet for a couple of seconds until I heard heavy hurried steps approaching me again.

"Oh my god... you're awake!"-father?

I realized the three figures were only millimeters away from me at the moment.

I felt someone, presumably my mother, cupping my face and patting my head lightly yet I still winced from the tearing pain in my head.

"Don't worry Jiho, you'll be fine, dear, everything will be fine...", she, I think...was soothing me? Her touch felt weird.

I weakly grabbed her hand and withdrew it from my head, trying hard to keep on breathing steadily.

I felt like throwing up. Not because of the pain, but because I was scared. So so scared. I had so many questions to ask them and no power to talk at all. I felt like there was nothing left of me anymore.

Was I in a hospital? But how did I get there? Why was my body hurting so much? Why...why couldn't I...s-see?...

My eyes suddenly started throbbing. I felt like there were daggers thrown at them. I cried out some incoherent words as I brought my right hand up to them, my left one being stopped by something, most certainly a cast.

"Do they hurt, Mr Jiho?", the man who was with my parents asked, a tint of worry in his voice.

As soon as he asked, my hand reached my eyes only to touch a bandage. My eyes were covered? I took an edge of the bandage in my hand to remove it, but I was stopped by my mom's hands and my father's shouts: "Don't take it off! Are you crazy?!"- as gentle as always, I see.

I heard the unknown man sigh deeply before talking: "Mr Jiho, you are at the hospital. Are you aware of why you are here today?"

I slowly shook my head for barely a second when realization hit me. That and my father shouting again: "You got yourself into a car accident that almost took your life!! Could you possibly get more imbecile than this?!"

I gulped.

Even gulping hurt.

I remembered speeding up like a lunatic to meet some hoe at a club. I somehow lost control of the car while at it and the last thing I recall was colliding with a car coming from the opposite direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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