Ch 16

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Surprisingly i feel a lot better after talking with Lihao ge, he was just like Liuzheng.. both are easy going and open minded and the best part is that they both care and genuenely want the best for me and Zhou.

Lihao ge dropped Zhou first because his and my house are on the same road, when we arrived i ask Lihao ge a permission to carry Zhou inside since Zhou's sleeping so soundly and we dont really have the heart to wake him up.

I like having him in my arms, i like having him so close to me.. all this feeling is overflowing and i dont think i can contain it any longer.

Lihao ge dropped me off after that, i wanted to go to bed early so that i can think of some plan to talk about it with Zhou. Maybe i'll text him and ask him to go out together, whatever works. I go through my nightly routine twice as fast as usual and then get ready for bed eventhough sleep didnt claim me for another hour.

The morning light shining through the gap in the window wake me up from my slumber, because i'm not going to work for another 2 hour i still have time to take a bath and cook breakfast. I was enjoying my bath when i think of sending Zhou a text, i'll send one when i finish.

It's only after i made breakfast and coffee did i send a good morning text to Zhou

[07.05 a.m]

Good morning Zhou

However after waiting for more than 30 minutes still no reply is coming. So i send another one instead.

[07.45 a.m]

Hey, I was wondering are you busy today?

Liuzheng ge pick me up at 08.00, on the way to the studio i was constantly looking at my phone but it was another 30 minutes with no reply, i was starting to worry that Zhou got really angry at me and now giving me the silent treatment. Well they said the third time is a charm.

[08.15 a.m]

Zhou? I'm sorry I dont reply to your texts and answer your calls. I have to talk to you.. when are you free? Can we go somewhere and talk.

I cant concentrate on my work and keep on asking Liuzheng ge if there're any text or call coming for me, he got worried instead and ask me whose text or call was i waiting for. I didnt asnwer and just go back on working.

The short coffee break sent me straight to my phone, seeing no texts nor calls dampen my mood instantly.. but im not one to be discourage so i send another text.

[10.22 a.m]

Are you angry with me, I really am sorry.. if you give me the time I'd like to explain something to you. Please reply

Zhou is a soft hearted person if i put a please there he will surely reply to my text im sure of it.

I dont like messing up and taking people's time more than necessary so i tried hard to concentrate on work instead of thinking about those texts i sent. But even after working for many hours there're no reply from Zhou at all. i've tried calling several times but no answer. I'll just send another one

[02.45 p.m]

Why are you not answering my calls? Or are you working right now?

Wait.. its already noon, there's no way that he's still sleeping.. and it's not like Zhou to worry people like this, if he's angry at me he woud have already reply to ask me to stop sending text and to stop calling. Coming to a very late realisation i decided to call Lihao ge instead.

Surprises..surprises.. i was an idiot, of course Zhou is working.. Lihao ge understand my concern though, because from our talk last night he figured that i would send a text to Zhou or something. And after he pick Zhou up this morning Lihao ge already ask about it, apparently Zhou left his phone at home leading to him not having read all my texts at all. feeling extremely embarrassed but relieve i send another text to save me some face.

[02.48 p.m]

Never mind, I just called Lihao ge.. I know you forgot to bring your phone, so please text me back as soon as you arrive home. Take care Zhou. I'll wait for your text.

After sending that last text I concentrated fully on work hoping to finish soon. Fortunately for me everything goes well and soon me and Liuzheng ge are on our way back.

"want to drop by your favourite bar today? we can drink a few glass, my treat."

I don't know why but Liuzheng ge's voice lace with sarcasm, maybe it's the way I'm looking longingly at my phone that triggered him. this guy is surely making fun of me, after all I was not someone who feel anxious easily. he obviously know I'm anxious to get back yet he intentionally ask me to go out, what a bad big bro.

"you already know I work twice as hard today so I can go home sooner yet you still have the guts to mock me, don't joke around too much ge."

He just laugh after hearing my reply, seriously he's getting on my nerves. It's eight pm already, Zhou must be home by now.. I know because Lihao ge told me so. I want to be in the comfort of my own home when Zhou decide to reply to my texts so I urged Liuzheng ge to drive faster.

"okay okay, chill out will you."

He's right actually, I need to chill. there's no need working myself out over something that have not happen yet. Can't help it though, over thinking things is both my and Zhou strong points after all.

Liuzheng ge drop me off with a goodnight and a warning to not stay up too late, I screamed my goodnight to him as I run off to my room. I barely open my door when a call come through, calming my rapidly beating heart I take a look at the caller id only to find Zhou's name displayed on it, I answer before it can ring again.

"hello Zhou.."

"hello.." he sounds timid and a bit.. nervous maybe?

"uh, did you just arrive home?" what's with you, don't be nervous it's just Zhou. well who wouldn't be nervous after not talking for so long.

"yeah.." and what the hell is wrong with Zhou, his one word reply got me feeling ten times more nervous than before. okay you can do it, be the usual Jingyu, care for him like you usually do.

"you must be tired, have you eaten? If not you can eat first and we can talk later. I don't mind"

"uhmm, okay?" *sigh* I guess he's a bit angry at me for ignoring him, but it's good enough that he still want to talk to me.

"err I mean no I have not eaten yet.. and I want to take a bath too.. I'm covered in sweat, I'll call you when I finished okay?" oh! he's not angry, I think he's just feeling awkward because we haven't talk in so long so he doesn't know how to talk to me. He's absolutely adorable!.

"ah, okay.. I'll be waiting. Take your time, eat a lot and don't forget to take your vitamins."

"aye aye captain, by the way it's good to have you back." oh no, my heart's about to burst... I'm so fucking happy not only did he go back to the old cheeky Zhouzhou, he also said it's good to have me back which will be the end of me. I really need to control my heart beat, if it goes any faster I'll be hospitalised soon for heart failure. But before I can answer Zhou already cut the call.

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