Caspar Lee

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Caspar when Joe had made your room into a slip and slide! You were very annoyed about it at first as you had just got back from a date with Caspar and you were about to go into your room but before you opened the door Joe jumped out at you

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Caspar when Joe had made your room into a slip and slide! You were very annoyed about it at first as you had just got back from a date with Caspar and you were about to go into your room but before you opened the door Joe jumped out at you. You knew that Joe being in yours and Caspar's apartment was a bad thing in itself. Caspar heard Joe jump out so came over to investigate what was going on. He saw the blue sheet covering the floor and knew it was another prank. Luckily Joe had grabbed Caspar a pair of shorts from his wardrobe before making the room slippery. Caspar put on the shorts and him and Joe were messing around on the floor in the room. You went to find Josh to make him come and watch.

"I don't know why but Caspar is enjoying Joe's prank! They're such children I can't believe it!"
"Do I need to get the first aid kit ready?"
"Well they are bound to injure themselves at some point"

Buttercream Squad Gif Series Book 2Where stories live. Discover now