My Mate, The Veela

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Disclaimer: Does it look like I own Harry Potter? People, the name says everything…its fan fiction, dare fore, Miss Rowling wouldn’t be here writing alternatives events that I, sometimes, dream that could be happening in Harry Potter….

Warnings: Slash, people! Meaning that, there will be relationships between two people of the same gender, in this case, in particular, it will be MxM. Don’t liked, don’t read it! There is a back button you can click on to leave my fic in peace and never return…I will not take bullshit from anyone…so kindly leave me in peace, if you have only bad things to say…don’t bother, just go way…

No horcruxes. Dead Voldymort. He was killed by Dumbledore in Ootp. Sirius still died, which made Harry very angry with Dumbledore. Because Voldemort’s death at Dumbledore’s hands proved that the Prophesy was pure bullshit!

Creature Harry! He’s a veela mate, which made him change his body so he could mate with the veela in question. No, Fleur doesn’t have a mate, because she isn’t a full veela. Sometimes even full veelas can’t find their mates, either because they have died or because they weren’t born yet. So, most marry other veelas or humans. Because of that, many of their marriages go wrong…you can imagine why… (And…do prepare yourself; I have a strange sense of humor.) Also, Mpreg!

Not betaed! 

Pairing: Harry/OMC


Once upon a time, there was a cute little boy named Harry Potter. Little Harry lived with his relatives, uncle Vernon, aunt Petunia and his cousin Dudley.

The adorable boy was special.

 He was a wizard.

But the poor child didn’t know. Much worse than that…He thought he was a Freak.

And only, because, his remain family, said so.

One day, when Harry was made to retrieve the mail, the green eyed cutie found a mysterious letter in the Dursley’s mail box. It was for him. He, who never received any before, the small wizard was a little happy for a few minutes, until Dudley ripped the letter from his hand.

But ever since that day, lots and lots of letters found their way into the house, no matter what the Dursleys did. Furious, uncle Vernon flew the house to a hotel. But even there, the letters continue to appear. Even, madder, than before, his uncle Vernon took them all to a shack in the middle of the sea.

A huge man named Hagrid, appear in the middle of the night during a strong storm. And brought with him the letter for Harry, also Harry’s first birthday cake, since it was his eleven birthday. And the tiny boy finally learned why he had his scar and no parents. 

And after that day on, Harry’s life become even more crazy and full of danger.

Until the day he meted his protective mate.

This was merely the beginning.

(Thought that this fic was some kind of Cinderella fairytale? Di’yah? Well, you wrong! I fooled you! Mwaah! Ah! Ah…on to the real thing…..)

Chapter 1

Harry Potter was about to be sixteen years old. His birthday was only a few minutes away. But the young man didn’t feel particularly happy. His godfather, Sirius Black, who he loved dearly, had died only a few weeks ago. Naturally, the man-child just didn’t felt like it.

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