chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Fleur and her cousin were at the Burrow too. Bill looked overjoyed to spend time with his future wife. Only his mother and sister didn’t look all that happy with the bond.

Phillip Bertrand was a tall blond man. He looked incredibly like his cousin Fleur. The same hair, the same blue eyes and skin color. Only Phillip was much more heart stopping beautiful then Fleur could ever be. Phillip was so outwardly beautiful, that made tears shine in anyone’s eyes. He noted many trying to hide the water in their eyes, embarrassed.

The moment Harry green eyes and Phillip blue ones, encounter each others across the Weasleys backyard, an electric shock run down Harry’s body. Unknowing to Harry, the same happen to Phillip, who was hoping it, since Fleur, his cousin, had mentioned the little gorgeous wizard.

Harry cheeks got an adorable red with heat.    

Phillip smiled. Harry’s breath stopped. His heart was beating like a fast and furious drum’s melody.

Ron shacked him. He began breathing again.

Harry! Harry! Are you hearing me?

Harry blinked.

Ron? What is it?

Mate, you worried me, for a moment there, everything’s alright? – Ron was frowning in worry.

Yeah! Everything is fine!

Ron sighed in relieve. Harry rolled his eyes at Ron’s attitude, then, shyly, through his eyelashes, he peaked at the male veela. Phillip, who never took his eyes of him smiled sensually, making his inside melt with the most potent lust he ever felt. 

Phillip got closer and raised his hand to shake.

Hi, I’m Phillip Bertrand. Fleur’s cousin. But you already know that. Aren’t I right?

Phillip’s voice was deep and melodious.

Harry accepted Phillip’s hand answering his greeting.

Harry Potter, a pleasure.

They talked all day. Harry told him his life with the Dursleys and the fowling years at Hogwarts. His friends and enemies. And his dreams. Phillip spoke of his years in Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Of his veela family, how different it was from wizarding families. His parents were mates and he had two older brothers, one who had married a witch and other mated to a veela.

Harry asked why veela married if they knew they could have mates out there.

It’s because we feel lonely after a while searching, and sometimes, we fall in love with others who weren’t our mates. – Phillip said.

A suspicion started to arise in him. Hoping, but insecure, Harry asked in a small voice.

Are we mates?

Phillip eyes started glowing with delight. A smile touched his sinful lips and he looked straight into Harry’s eyes.

Yes, Mon Cher. We are.

Harry blushed.  Red as a tomato and with his ears burning something fierce!  Embarrassed, Harry lowered his head, hiding his red cheeks. A finger found his way to Harry chin, and gently, pushed his head up. 

Do not hide your beautiful blushes from me. – Phillip whispered, sensual, his vice dripping with honey and spice.

Harry’s insides started to melt again. Heat rising in belly! His desire burning!

Suddenly, Harry was sure, if there wasn’t anyone present, Phillip would have taking him on the spot. Right in this moment! Without knowing when or how, their bodies were much closer; Harry could feel Phillip’s heat through his clothes. His heart beating fast! Their eyes meet, full with desire. Harry could swear that Phillip eyes were burning holes on him.

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