Chapter 6

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Daryl entered the infirmary and saw Denise hovering over Carl. He was sleeping soundly, sweat glistening across his forehead. Michonne was sitting on his other side, brushing strands of sticky hair from his face.

"He alright?" Daryl asked placing the box on the empty gurney.

"He should be," Denise said without looking up. "Getting the new antibiotics in the IV now. Luckily his fever stopped rising, now we just have to get it to break."

Daryl walked to Rick who was standing in the corner watching Denise care for Carl.

"You alright?" Daryl asked Rick in somber tone.

"I am now that you guys are back. Everything go ok?"

"Yeah, you know..." Daryl shrugged. "Went like it always does. Bad guys, walkers. Whatever. We got back." Rick nodded in acknowledgement not needing any more details.

"And the warehouse?"
"Stocked. Floor to ceiling with meds. Should take a bigger group and head back out that way," Daryl said but looked at Carl. "When this one's better we'll go. This way you can come too."

"You seemed to do alright without me," Rick said with half a smile, clapping his best friend on the shoulder.

"Maybe," Daryl said, thinking back to the men who tried to jump them. "Rick... Y/N..."

"What about her?"

Before Daryl could speak, Carl stirred at the feeling of a new IV being put in his arm. Rick jumped forward to see if his son would open his eye, forgetting Daryl was even there. As Rick and Michonne hovered protectively over Carl, Daryl slipped out on the porch and saw you sitting in the gazebo.

"Hey," he said as he approached you, a newly lit cigarette hanging from his lip. "Can I sit?"

"Sure," you said and moved over on the bench. "You got another one of those?" Daryl reached in his pocket and handed the pack to you. As the cigarette touched your lips, he was igniting his lighter in front of you.

It had been years since you had one, but that familiar feeling of the smoke cascading down into your lungs felt like a sweet release after the day you had experienced.

"You said somethin' before that I don't get," Daryl said without looking at you.


"You said Beth was lucky we loved her," He turned, meeting your eyes.

"Yeah, okay...What about it?" You asked a little confused as to why that statement, out of all of them, was the one that stuck with him.

"We did... we all did. But it wasn't like that. She wasn't just Maggie's kid sister, she was all of ours."

"Oh, I just assumed she was your girlfriend," you said, thinking about the day Beth died and how Daryl had reacted.

"She was just a kid. She deserved more time," he said, finally looking at you. "But you're wrong to think what you did."

A light breeze tumbled through the gazebo causing your arms to break out in goosebumps. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you suddenly felt very self-conscious sitting next to Daryl. His broad, welcoming shoulders were barely grazing yours and for the first time in a long time, the feel of someone else's touch didn't make you feel the need to shower.

Releasing yourself, you took another drag from the cigarette and exhaled slowly, watching the smoke be tossed away by the breeze. Turning to face Daryl, his eyes were already narrowed on you, causing a new sensation to stir deep down.

The intensity of his azure eyes fell on top of you and you couldn't decide if it was a look like he wanted to kill you or kiss you. The way your time with him had been going the last couple days, you thought it could really be either option.

"What?" You said a little annoyed, feeling uncomfortable under his glare.

"Do you got a thing for Rick?" Daryl asked, taking you completely by surprise.

The chill on your skin a moment ago was suddenly replaced by that fire that always seemed to be burning somewhere in you.

"Rick?" You half asked half accused. "Seriously? What the fuck dude..." you shook your head at Daryl and took another drag off the cigarette. "Where did that come from?"

No answer, just a shrug of his shoulder.

"Bullshit," you said. "Why do you think that?"

"Why'd you think I was with Beth?" He asked and by the look on his face, you knew he was serious in his question.

"The way you talk about her sometimes... the way you looked when she died... I dunno. I guess I just assumed. I don't ever see you with anyone else, so..."

"Right," he growled, "and you should see your face when Rick walks into a room. You light up like a damn Christmas tree. He's the only one who could get you to do somethin' you didn't want to do..."

You felt like the kettle that sat on the stove back home; ready for your top to blow from the steam spiraling through you.

"You know what, fuck you," you said as calmly as possible and turned towards home. Only taking a few steps, you stopped and turned back to face him. "You know, after yesterday and today, I thought maybe, just maybe, you could be a decent guy. You sat there today and listened to me tell you some of the worst moments of my life, and then you turn around and..."

You threw your arms up in the air, unsure of what you could say to convey how angry you felt.

"Despite those assholes that got in the way, I felt like today went really well. We worked good together. We were getting along. Why'd you have to go say something stupid like that..."

Without giving him a chance to respond, you turned towards home again. This time you didn't stop until you stepped inside. 

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