Chapter 5 // The Waiting Game

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So, here's chapter 5. I haven't written on this fic in a while but Liv has just returned to emmerdale and it's given me a bit of inspiration to update this. It's probably not the best as I don't do well with making chapters a little shorter as I tend to ramble, as you can see
Okay, let's go.
Enjoyyy ☺️
Cain and Adam had practically dragged Aaron through the hospitals doors, not getting far; a young, brown haired man had put him straight in a wheelchair. Aaron had been taken away, carted off to another room, no one telling the pair anything.
Cain had called Chas of course, receiving multiple questions and shouts from the other end of the line, phone soon going dead shortly after. That had been over 2 hours ago, Chas having arrived at the hospital, seating herself beside the pair and staring blankly into space, small droplets of water falling down her cheeks, leaving her eyes red and puffy.
*Ring Ring*
"Hello" Adam mumbled rather sleepily.
"Adam! Where the hell are ya, you left nearly 3 hours ago. I've been at the house and Aaron's not-"
"Hospital. I'm at the hospital"
"What, why? Are you okay, is it Vic?" Robert relished at the thought of his younger sister hurt, in any sort of pain.
"No, no mate. I was meant to call you. Look it's Aaron, he, oh god he's done it again Rob" Adam had whispered the last phrase, his mind glancing back to many years ago, pulling a lifeless Aaron from the smoke filled garage.
"What? What do you mean, look Adam I'm on my way now"
"He cut Robert, I think he was trying to, to.. oh"
"I-I'm on my way okay, call me if anything else happens"
Throughout the call, Robert had been picking up his keys, making his way over to his car and proceeding to turn it on however once the line had gone dead, he stopped. His phone dropped to the passenger seat, and he broke down. He sat and cried, slamming his hands on the steering wheel and shouting out into the cold nights air.
Why? Why would Aaron do this again? They were happy, weren't they? Him and his little family. It was.. perfect.
But what now? What if Aaron didn't make it? Who would look after Liv? Oh Liv, she probably didn't even know what was happening.
He knew it was bad, it would only make his state worse, be he couldn't help it. He couldn't help himself from thinking of it all, foot pressing down on the gas, engine groaning as he flew off down the road.
"Aaron Dingle?"
"Y-yeah that's us. How is he?"
"Mr.Dingle has suffered a sufficient amount of blood loss, however luckily he hasn't hit any main veins or arteries.  In fact he is up for visitors at the moment, and if all goes well he should be okay to leave by tomorrow, just follow me."
"Thanks Doc" Adam replied shakily, having been stood up when he had came, hearing the news and instantly heading for his 'brothers' room.
The sight made him truly sick.
Aaron sat up in his hospital bed, hands knotted together anxiously, staring down at his lap, too his stomach and back to the wall again.
Reaching a hand up, Adam knocked at the door, before strolling in, wanting to alert the man before stepping foot in the room.
"Mate.." he whispered, sitting on the edge of the bed, tapping his fingers together, not knowing what really to say.
"I'm fine, the doctor sa-"
"Aaron.. you, all of this, it's, why? Why again. I thought..." he was unsure of how to continue. What did he think? That now Aaron had a little family that the past could be forgotten?
"Where's me mum?" He said, attempting to steer the conversation away from his, situation.
He looked back at Adam, puzzled, knowing he was going to have to start talking.
"It wasn't meant to go that far, I swear. I know you want some sort of answer, but I don't have one. I just, I need you to be you. To be my best mate, please Adam."
"Big softie." Adam chuckled back, joking away again, the pair suddenly in hysterics.
"Anyways," Aaron started, begging to calm down again, "where is me mum?"
"Her and Cain were outside last time I checked. I asked em to give us some space."
Aaron looked worried for a moment, meeting his eyes with Adam's, opening his mouth to speak.
"Robert's on his way," he started, noticing the look Aaron gave him, "I rang him a while ago, he should be here soon."
The pair smiled at each other, understanding the other one perfectly.
"Where's Liv, she outside? Ask her to come in, I don't wan-"
"She's, she's not here."
"She with Vic?"
"N, no, I. She saw you coming out the house, she ran off soon as."
Guilty Adam looked back at Aaron, watching as his slight smile disappeared, replaced with pure concern, panic even.
"You mean, you left her? Oh god i need to go and find her." Swinging his legs off of the side of the bed, Aaron stood, pulling the wires from his hand.
Attempting to re-seat him, Adam grabbed ahold of his arms, keeping him still.
"Son? What's wrong, sit down please?" Chas pleaded, not understanding the situation, only watching as Aaron got more frustrated.
"N-no, she's out there, I need to go find her mum." Aaron struggled against Adams hold, pushing the taller bloke away.
"Who, son please."
"Liv, she ran off when she saw him."
Cain interrupted, watching as Aaron wrestled Adams grip. He knew Aaron wouldn't calm, and chose to not intervene, finding his input would only worsen the situation.
"She could be anywhere. What if she's lost, or been in an accident?"
Pushing Adam off of him, he grabbed his back from the ground, having already changed before Adam arrived, and stormed from the door, the three watching as he left, following intently.
Miles away in the middle of no where sat Liv, eyes red and puffy from crying, grasping onto her coat desperately, not really paying attention to the cold however, rain drops mixing in with her salty tears.
She wasn't sure of the time, where she was or if anyone was even around. The sight of her semi-conscious brother had made her sick, blood flowing through the cloth pressed against his stomach. She hated the thought, loathed it. The shock had then sent her into panic, running away from the scene, not paying attention to her surroundings until she stopped and looked around, realising she had no clue where she was, but anything was better than having to see that sight again. That spot was where she gave up, legs giving way, body collapsing to the ground, fat, wet tears still falling graciously down her cheeks.
So, new chapter? Really sorry I haven't updated this in ages, I wrote most of it ages ago, then forgot to come back and finish it 🤷🏼‍♀️
Hope you liked it though.
I don't really know where I'm going with the whole Liv missing thing, guess I'll figure it out as I go along, and I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you for reading lovelies ❤️
~ Katie 😍

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