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Jimin p.o.v

   I woke up to my cold body shivering from the cold ground , I sit up and try my best to ignore the pain from my bruised skin and cuts.

I've been stuck in this dark basement for two days , after the encounter with the crazy doctor some guys came in and used me as a punshing bag they kicked , punched my body like a toy , they would starve me and give me dog food which I wouldn't eat I would only drink the cup of water if they have the heart to gave me.I've been crying myself to sleep hoping that jungkook or someone I knew come and save me and I still have hope.

The sound of steps touk me out of my thoughts and in come the same three guys that would always come

"Good evening beautiful"-guy1

Good evening ? The second guy most have noticed my confused face since he responded

" you've been sleeping for 15 hours and we were too busy to come and play with you"-guy 2

"Well , since we were busy how about we start playing" -guy 3

"I've  been thinking of another way to play"-guy2

The other guy looked at him with plafulnest and lust while I looked at them with horror , they started making their way to me while I crawled backward which each step they took trying the impossible to escape but unfortunately I didn't succeed .

" please stop!" I screamed when one of them tied my hands behinde my back while the others took my pants  and teechirt off.

I tried my best to escape but they are stronger then me so I gave up while there hands were on my busy when I felt him took off my boxers the door of the basement sprung open and tall guy with dark hair and his usual dark brown eyes seelmed darker, the face of the persons I love , the person I've wanted for to come and save me is here .

"J-jungkook" I whispered while his wide angry eyes filled with hatered looked at me.


The guys let go of me and my body won't limp on the ground while jungkook was besting the shit out of the three guys and trust it felt good to see them suffer and feel the same pain as I felt .

My eyes became heavier , the last thing I heard was jungkook screening for me to wake up and he loved me .

YOU ARE MINE!![jikook ff]Where stories live. Discover now