Scene #24

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Raina POV :
The sound of the water pouring into the bath blocks out the sound of my sobbing, I begin to write my note as tears roll down my cheeks

"Dear Logan and whoever else is reading this, from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry for leaving you behind, I'm sorry that I wasn't meant for this cold world, I'm sorry I did this and I'm sorry for the pain this is causing you. Logan, I don't care about the problems we had because I still lived you no matter what and I will always love you ... goodbye x"

I seal the envelope and write Logan on it and stick it on the bathroom mirror still bawling my eyes out. I pray that Logan will have a normal life after he sees my dead body. I sit myself down in the overflowing tub and the rest is history.

Logan POV :
As I walk in to Raina's apartment she is nowhere to be seen and all was silent apart from the sound of a bathtub filling up with water. I stand outside the door and call her name 3 times then I get worried and walk in. I break down into tears immediately when I see what's happened, her face is pale and her body is cold. I put my hands on her face and hold her into my chest letting out loud cries. I say her name and each time it's more painful knowing that she's gone. I look up onto the mirror and see a note stuck I onto it, I remove it from the mirror and open the letter which says my name. Reading the letter is making me feel sick to my stomach and I feel myself getting dizzy and before I know it I'm passed out next to a dead girl... a dead girl that I loved...

The End ...
Yeh I know that was intense but there is a message to be seen here and it's that committing suicide doesn't get rid of pain all it does is give pain to all your loved ones SO IT ISN'T AN OPTION my loves ❣️

If you're going through stuff feel free to fm me on Instagram @lailamcbride ❤️ I love you all x

Read my other story about Grayson if you want coz now that this story is complete I'll be updating more on my Grayson Instagram's ⚡️


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