A clue of Nathaniel's past

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‘So, what do you think about William?’ I ask Nate, not actually being me. Instead of mahogany brown curls, I have straight, white hair. My skin is also a lot lighter. The boy next to me lies on the lush green grass, looking up at the clear sky. It is an extraordinary beautiful day, although the things we’ve been through are everything but beautiful. Nate shrugs.

‘I don’t quite know, Cath. I mean, we both already figured out he despises humans. But the way he looked at us…looked at you…’ I nod. It broke my heart indeed. I pick at the grass, anger and grief taking me over. Nate’s fingers entwine in mine, trying to soothe the pain I feel. The pain we both feel, but I’m too hurt for it to work.

‘I don’t want to fight him.’ Nathaniel whispers. Tears fill my eyes, but I manage to hold them back. All these years I was outstanding in hiding my feelings.

‘Me neither. But we have no choice. Especially when Connor starts to subject humans.’  Nathaniel stays silent and I don’t bother. We both are lost in our own thoughts for what seems like forever.


I wake up from the noise of water running in the bathroom. A few seconds I look at my surroundings, not knowing where I am. But then I remember the dream and yesterday. Who the hell was I in that dream? She seemed to care a lot about Nathaniel and a guy named William. And what did this William guy do? I make a note to myself that I should ask Nathaniel about this, after he has showered. Thinking about him showering makes my cheeks flush. Damn, I barely know the guy a day. I jump out of bed and walk towards the mirror on the left wall, trying to push away the thought. I feel strangely energetic, probably because of Nate's superpowers. I sigh, when I see my rampaged hair. Can't I even sleep normal? I brush my hair with my fingers and have no choice but to put it in a messy bun. My stomach growls violently and a soft chuckle follows. I turn around quickly, my cheeks flushed again. Nathaniel stands in the doorway of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel. The smile he gives me practically melts me.

'I hear you're hungry. Luckily I've been in town.' He gestures to the plastic bag on the table under the window. Well, I didn't even notice. I quickly step to the table and take a peek in the bag. I gasp at the sight of the content.

'You bought chocolate chip muffins!' The boy grins and takes a muffin himself.

'Yea, my friend was addicted to them and I somehow took it over from her.' Just when I want to take a bite, I stop myself. Maybe he's talking about that girl I was in the dream. Nathaniel looks at me with a concerned look.

'Are you alright?' I turn to look at the boy. The boy in my dream seemed absolutely broken. The boy in front of me seems perfectly fine. Does he hide his feelings? It probably wouldn't be smart to start about it, but I can't stop myself.

'Who's Catherine?' The boy seems genuinely shocked but of course he should be. How the hell am I supposed to know the name of his friend?

'How do you know her name?' I eventually take a bite of the muffin and walk towards the bed to sit on it.

'I had a dream about the two of you, talking about some guy named William.' I can't actually say I was the girl. That would be awkward and unimportant information. His face turns dark for a few seconds, before it turns sad.

'I rather not talk about them.' I nod. I probably understand it like no one else. We silently eat our breakfast, the tension clearly visible. After eating three muffins I'm satisfied and decide to take a shower. Preferably a hot one. I enter the bathroom and stare at the huge showerhead. That will definitely help me relax. I turn on the shower, strip off my clothes and step into the hot water. It reliefs me immediately. The dream was probably just a stupid coincidence. The whole time in the bathroom I repeat this to myself although I know better.

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