Today is the day

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It was the 9th of January 2014 and what a cold day it was, my alarm went off so loudly it woke me right up. I looked and groaned "5 am, really? Ugh, I best get ready." I had been waiting for this day for ages and it finally came, I was meeting my idol James Arthur. I guess you could say I am a little different to most girls, my mousy brown hair is just below my collar bones, I have blue eyes and I am not the skinniest of people, I preferred being alone in my room listening to my favourite music, mostly James Arthur. I managed to lug myself out of bed and to the bathroom, I started washing my face and brushing my teeth. Looking up at the mirror after finishing my teeth I realised how bad I actually looked, my curls were springing out everywhere, my yellow ear expander poking out of one of my curls. I walked back to my room and I started to brush out my frizzy hair, straightened it and started on my make up. Just the usual, winged eyeliner... My mum came in and started rushing me to get ready faster. "Come on Bells, you haven't got long!" She urged. I snapped at her "MUM please stop rushing me, it takes the actual piss when you do that" and she walked out shaking her head, I mean can you blame me for snapping? I'm an 18 year old girl who has been woken up at 5 in the fucking morning but I know it will be worth it to meet James. I pulled on a pair of my black disco pants, my grey jersey and my white and turquoise Nike jacket, along with my Nike airs. I guess it wasn't the girliest of looks but it was just me. I climbed into the car...

"Bells, why do you seem so moody?" My mum asked, curiously.

"I was just tired, BUT NOW I AM EXCITED, THANK YOU FOR BRINGING ME." I squeezed her arm by hugging it.

"Hey it's ok, I kinda owe it to him, him and his music seem to make you happy." She smiled.

"Oh it does, his songs are original and ugh I just love him."

We finally arrived at the shopping centre in Middlesbrough, there were crowds of fangirling girls everywhere, but I knew deep down I was the most dedicated. I kissed my mum goodbye and walked over clutching my James Arthur biography. I hated the fact I was on my own, but none of my friends really liked him except Lola, but she was more into The Vamps and as a matter of fact she was seeing James McVey after meeting him at a signing the other week. The doors opened and everyone sprinted in there, including me this time. It was only about twenty minutes until "Get down" started playing and James Arthur himself walked out of the doors, I never realised how perfect he actually was until I layed my eyes on him, I mean I had been to two concerts of his but I was never this close. I began typing a message to Lola on my iPhone: "Lo, he is absolutely perfect and I think I may cry xx" she immediately text back: "That is exactly how I was with McVey, and now look what had happened. You never know, a miracle could happen for you ;) xx" I smiled at her text, I was literally next to meet James and I couldn't cope. I walked over to him and started shaking, I was lost for words, I mean was I really this close to him? He looked at me and smirked a little then laughed. "Hey come on, there's no need to be nervous, it's only me." He stood up and pulled me into a hug and I started to cry, "but your music and you and I can't you're actually here, I am 18 I shouldn't be like this, I just love you and your music" I struggled through my breaths. "You're a funny little one aren't you? Go in the back and I will talk to you properly when they have all gone" he ushered his security guards to take me into the back of HMV, I turned as I walked away and he was smiling at me the whole time. Was this actually happening? James Arthur wanted a conversation with ME, I sat on a chair and it was around an hour until most of them had left, I heard them all screaming outside. While I managed to get myself together, I text Lola: "Lola, you wouldn't BELIEVE what has happened, I started to freak out and James told his security guards to take me into the back of the store so he could speak to me, no lie!! AHHHH xx" she text back seeming excited for me: "NO WAY?! I told you, miracles happen Bells and yeah, have fun ;) xx" I text her back saying: "Shut up you absolute gimp, nothing will happen he just probably wants to tell me I am being pathetic xx" my phone vibrated but before I could see it James was walking towards me with a big grin on his face. He grabbed a chair and sat by me. "So I noticed you weren't a screaming fangirling freak, but you cried and I know that's a true sign of loving someone's music and not just them, I'm James Arthur and it is a pleasure to meet you" he held out his hand for me to shake and I took it, looking up at his face. "I can't believe I am here, your music was my only escape when I tried to take my own life, I can't thank you enough, I..." he cut me off, "MY music saved your life? No one has ever said that to me before, I am so glad that a pretty young lady feels this way rather than a raging fangirl" I smiled and croaked through my teary voice "I can just relate to it so much, but also you yourself. You were suicidal and your story has inspired me and I don't know" he pulled me into a hug and I blushed at the thought he called me a "pretty young lady". "Fancy going to Starbucks for a drink? I really would love to hear more about you, urm... I didn't catch your name there sweetie" he said in a warm tone. "Wow I would love to, and my name is Arabella, but you can call me Bells if you like." I smiled, "that's a great name, like the Arctic Monkeys song?" He asked, "YES, I love the Arctic Monkeys!" I exclaimed, "SO DO I!" He laughed. We started walking to his big black car driven by who I assumed was his personal assistant...

I thought everything was IMPOSSIBLE. (A James Arthur fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now