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Ok so I dreamt up a scene and I'm gonna put it into words but my eyes weren't Alex's they were Derek's


Derek POV:

Alex fell asleep on my lap, she looks so peaceful, I had to take Baileys drug bag off him, he would've filled the whole car with smoke, how is Alex friends with such a dickhead druggo, but I won't judge her friendship choices Bailey seems like a nice guy kind of

"Derek give me my drugs back" Bailey groans and I death glare him from the back seat

"Bailey shut up, Alex is sleeping" I say moving a strand of hair out of her face, she's so beautiful and even better she said she loved me, she loves me, now all I can think about is her smile, her laugh, her courage, her personality and my need to protect her, she maybe a badass demonic hybrid with abilities but I will always protect her, we pull to a stop

"Why are we stopping?"I ask, we better not of ran out of gas

"To sleep" Sam says and I hear Bailey snicker

"Yes sleep, Derek put the mutts outside" Bailey says laughing really loudly so loud he woke up Alex

"Why did Bailey wake me up with his screeching" Alex says sitting up and rubbing her eyes

"Oh Alex I was just telling Derek to put the mutts outside" Bailey says once again laughing loudly, he is such a dickhead

"Bailey, I will get in the front and strangle you"she warns being deadly calm

"What, you'll straddle me, sure I don't mind"Bailey says with a smirk evident in his voice, Alex wraps her arm around his neck from behind him and from the looks of things she's applying a lot of pressure to his throat

"No Bailey strangle"she says still sounding calm

"Look Bailey I'm tired and not in the mood for your shit, so no more dog jokes or I will tear your voice box out"she says, it's actually scary, she's so calm when she makes threats, all calm, collect and that makes it sound so dangerous

"Let the dickhead go Alex, he'll never learn" I say trying to sound just as relaxed and calm as her,she mutters a 'well he better start learning' but she let him go a got back in the position she was in before her sleep was interrupted

"Let's all get some rest before Bailey says something that will wake Alex up"Sam says yawning, Bailey put his seat down and almost hit Alex with it so I slap him over the head

"Ooowww, your too much like Alex" Bailey says rubbing his head, after several minutes everybody except me fell asleep, I couldn't just go to sleep when my beautiful beloved is in danger from hunters, but I decided that I should get some sleep, I'm no good to Alex tired, I move Alex a bit and layed down behind her, I wrap my arms around her waist and she snuggles into my chest, I have to say when shes sleeping shes cute and when shes awake shes hot and she said she loved me, I'm glad she loves me, it would've been weird if I loved her and she didn't feel the same

A couple hours past and I was starting to doze off when Alex started squirming and whimpering, I think a tear slipped out of her eye, I quickly wake her up and she starts silently crying into my shirt, I start stroking her hair trying to comfort her and she is still crying

"Alex, you're okay, what happened?" she looks up her tear stained face laced with fear and worry, she looks like she could burst into tears any moment

"Sorry to wake you Derek, don't worry I'm fine" She says returning to her calm self, she wipes away the tears and sits up

"Its fine, I wasn't even asleep" I say with a small chuckle at the end, I sit up but continue to hug her, she looks up at me with fear covering her face, shes not scared of me is she, I notice shes looking past me, I turn around and see the hunters that have been chasing Alex

Alex POV:


I look around, I'm in a red room, this isn't a vision, I asume its a nightmare, I hear a crash, when I turn and look I see me before I got my powers but when I was a hybrid, I got my powers after I killed the prick that turned me, I burst through his window in wolf form, he has shock writen all over his face till he notices that its me and that shock changes to amusement

"Hello, Alex was it, nice to see you" He says smirking and I growl, I'm on the sidelines just watching this memory, past me jumps forward snarling at him, but he doesn't move, past self goes again but this time launching straight at him, we flip over several times trying to get control, he gets control and starts strangling me, past me kicks him in the balls with my hind legs and past me takes control, past me then clamps my jaw around his head and rips it off

I feel a hand on my shoulder, I quickly turn around and see the guy that turned me with dry blood all over him

"See what you did to me Alex, I gave you immortality and you repay me by killing me" he says sounding far away, this has to be the worst nightmare I've had, more than the nightmare of my parents death, I started that fight with him because I despised vampires for killing my parents, I moved past that after I killed my creator

"You deserve to die aswell" he says in that ghostly voice

"No, I'm different now, I don't deserve to die, I have a beloved" I say using my calm strong tone and he just laughs

"I had a beloved out there too, but I never met her"He says sounding more angry

"She got a second chance beloved, he's probably better than you, you slept around" I bite back sounding more fierce, he looks angry, he then grabs a silver stake out and stabs me through the heart

Dream End

I start crying, but I be mindful of the others so I make it silent crying, I felt tears flooding my face, I feel someone shaking me lightly, I realise its Derek, I cant help but cry into his shirt, he starts stroking my hair in an effort to comfort me but I just can't stop crying, what if I am bad for Derek

"Alex, you're okay, what happen?" he asks, he sounds really worried, I look up from his shirt, two emotions are running through me, fear and worry, fear that I will get Derek killed and worry that Derek will reject me, I feel like crying again but I have to just act normal

"Sorry to wake you Derek, don't worry I'm fine" I say making my voice calm, I wipe away the old tears that have probably stained me face and I sit up, I had to avoid waking Bailey up, that dickhead put his seat just above my legs

"Its fine, I wasn't even asleep" he says chuckling at the end, he sits up and is still hugging me, I look up and I have the greatest amount of fear running through me, I see the shine of the flashlights, one shines in the face of Arthur, Derek turns around looking not as scared as me but its still there, the hunters are here


Okay so I got over 1000 words and thats what I am for, I wanted to leave a cliff hanger and I did, I dreamt all this up, my veiws changed as it went on so here is my dream, enjoy and don't forget to.....









Hunted (Sequel to I Am A Warrior) (Discontinued) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now