Chapter 6

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Nicolas could hardly believe the sight of this woman in his home. She looked nervous, and as if at the first sign of danger, she would run and jump out the nearest window.

Her scent filled his head, an intoxicating and addictive aroma. He was desperate for a taste. Of blood or sex, he really didn't care. He just needed more.

He tried to act as casual as possible. He had a feeling if she knew what he was thinking, she would grab the sharpest item around and aim straight for his heart.

When he first sensed her following him, he'd been desperate to turn around to see her, but had forced himself to look straight ahead and give no indication she'd been found out. When he finally got a look at her on the crowded dance floor, he didn't believe his eyes.

She'd obviously stood out from the crowd, but even from across the room he could recognize her scent.

Her eyes were large blue saucers in her head. They were behind glasses that did nothing to hide them. She had delicate facial features, but a good sturdy body honed with exercise. The small black top she'd revealed in the heat of the club showed off ample cleavage to anyone as tall as he was.

Her pants were baggy, but he could tell she had pleasing curves there as well. He'd been imagining her naked and in his bed ever since that moment.

However, with her fear of him, he wasn't certain that even his sizable charm could convince her to trust him long enough to get her legs open.

He had to stop the direction his cock was taking him. There were much more important things to be thinking about. He needed to know why she was here and how she found out about him.

He walked over to his couch and moved some books off the seats to offer her room to sit. He took off his coat and hung it over one of the arms of the couch.

She broke the silence first. "Do you know anyone who goes by the name Mr. X?"

He furrowed his brow at the strange name. "No. Who is he to you?"

She sat down on the section of couch he'd cleared off for her and her arms went around herself as if she were cold. "He's the one who told me about you."

It took him a few seconds too long to respond. Her arms pushed her breasts together in a way that was all too visible from his standing position. He snapped back to reality and realized what she said.

"What did this man look like?" he asked.

"He only contacted me by phone. He called me yesterday when I was jogging by here. He said a vampire named Nicolas lived here and that you usually leave around eleven."

That was disturbing. Not that the location of his home was a secret, but why would anyone out him to a human?

"Why would this man contact you?"

She looked up at him with a guilty expression. She let out a small laugh. "You're going to think it's really stupid."

"I'm sure it's no more stupid than following a vampire in the middle of the night."

She smiled at his remark, but he could tell it also reminded her of the danger she was still in. She shot a not so subtle glance to the door. "I saw a vampire when I was younger. The experience left a distinct impression on me."

He raised a brow at that new piece of information about her. He wanted to launch out with a whole list of questions, but figured it would be best if she finished her explanation first.

"A couple of years ago, I found some like-minded people on the Internet."


She chewed her lower lip. He immediately wanted to replace her teeth with his own.

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