Chapter 3

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*Graphic chapter*

I got back to my apartment at around 8. Jeff was there waiting for me.
"The hell did those two guys doing budging in our conversation?"
"Nothing, they're just concerned"
"You didn't say nothing did you?"
"No of course not."
"Good so then they got nothing to be concerned about."
He went and sat down on the couch.
"So what's for dinner babe?" He asked
Shit. I had forgot to prepare something.
"I thought maybe we could order in." I said hoping he wouldn't know I'd forgot.
"You know we don't have any money!" He got up and started coming at me. "Probably cause you spend it all on gambling!" He grabbed me by the neck and proceeded to throw me against the counter.
"God you dumb bitch no wonder your boss wants you fired!"
Tears began to form in my eyes. I knew Liv was still pissed off at me for not telling her about the undercover work I did.
"Oh yeah cry! Cry like the little bitch you are!" He struck me with his fist and I fell to the floor. Now I was sobbing.
"You know what that's it." He grabbed me by the arm and threw me into the bedroom.
He thew me on the bed and took my clothes off.
"Jeff you're acting crazy!"
"Shut up" he slapped me across the face than wrapped his hands around my neck.
He slammed my head into the headboard. Again and again and again. I could feel the blood pouring out of my head. He stood up took off his pants and forced himself in me. I closed my eyes trying to hide my tears. He grabbed my head.
"No you look at me bitch. You watch what I get to do to you."
He was getting rougher and rougher until I finally let out a faint scream. This caused him to grab my alarm clock and smash against my head. I immediately felt lightheaded. I could barely breathe. Jeff was pinning me down repeativly forcing himself in and out of me. It seemed to go on for hours. By the time he was done I was exhausted. He fell over to the side of me still panting. I tried to get up but he quickly pulled me back down.
"Who said I'm done with you"
Jeff continued to rape me the rest of the night. He finally fell asleep at 5:30am. I laid there then got up. I cleaned myself up and tried to cover every trace of the beating but it was impossible so I did my best and wore long sleeves. Then I left for work.

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