One Caramel Macchiato, please

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"Jiminie, I'm sorry that I'm late. I really didn't mean to make a bad impression on my first day of work but there was this old lady and she -" Taehyung came barging trough the door while panting heavily.

"It's okay, Tae. The shop isn't even opened yet."

"Oh? Really?" Taehyung looked around the little coffee shop, realising that nobody except his best friend and himself was present. "But where is Jin? Isn't he supposed to be here?"

"Jin called in sick today. The poor guy...He put so much effort into this little shop. It's really sad that he can't be here today but he trusts us to take care of everything, got that Tae?" Jimin frowned a little bit, turning towards Taehyung and raising his brow questioningly.

"Ai ai Jimin!"

"Good. Now chop chop Taehyung, go and get your apron. We only have 5 minutes left till we have to open up."

Taehyung walked behind the counter, quickly giving Jimin a hug and greeting him with a "forgot to say hello, sorry Jiminie", before dissappearing into the staffroom to change his clothes.

~ time skip ~

"Welcome to Steaming Mugs, may I take your order, please?" Taehyung smiled politely at the two guys sitting at the table near the window.

"Hm I would like to have an iced Americano and a cheesecake, please." The taller one of the two said and folded his hands on the table while smiling at Taehyung.

"All right, one Iced Americano and a cheesecake. But I'm afraid to tell you that you have to wait a little bit because we have to bake new cheesecakes, is that okay?"

"Ah, that's no problem. I'll gladly wait for two decades if it means that I can taste Jin's cheesecakes."

"Oh you know Jin?"

"Yeah uhm...We have some classes together and he told me to come here today because he is opening up his new shop. Where is he though?"

"Jinnie called in sick today, so Jimin and I are working alone here..." The tall guy suddenly looked down and mumbled something. "But don't be sad! I bet that Jin will get better soon and then you can come back here!" The guy smiled at Taehyung and nodded. Suddenly he heard a cough from the other side of the table.

"Uh...I would like to have one Caramel Macchiato, please." Taehyung turned towards the other guy, blushing as he saw how good the other looked.

"Of c- course. I'm sorry for not asking for your order earlier, I was just so into the conversation and I sometimes forget my surroundings, sorry." The guy just starred at Taehyung confusingly, not understanding anything because he was talking so fast.

"I have to go now. Be right back with your orders." Taehyung sprinted towards Jimin, handing him the note with their orders and sitting down at a chair at the counter.

"Jiminieee," he whined "I'm so embarassing." He laid his head down on the counter, wishing that the floor would just swallow him up right now.

Jimin stroked his hair, a method that would always calm Taehyung down. "Huh? What happened, Tae?"

"I was just taking their orders and this one guy was talking about Jinnie and I started a conversation with him but I totally forgot that there was another guy at their table and he was so good looking Jimin! I forgot that he was there!" Taehyung whined again.

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