Rescue?????? Are You Insane!?!?!?!?!?! I Ship It!!!!!!

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Natsu's POV


"Lets go!"

Lucy's POV

Thud......... Thud.......... Thud............ Thud........

"Ahhhhhh! Who the hell is banging on my window!" I yelled out
"Shhhhh! Luce it's us!" Came a voice, it was male.
"Luce, there's only one person who calls me that..... Natsu!" I figured it out
"Yep it's me and everyone else," I recognised his voice this time
"Everyone!" I was so happy I could cry "what are you doing here?"
"Isn't it obvious, rescuing you," that was Erza
"Lucy, you'll never guess what, Levy and Gajeel are dating!" That was Mira, I didn't even need to hear whose voice it was.
"What!!" I yelled in surprise
"Oh whoops, you two I was only gone 2 weeks, how could you do that with out me?" I asked, playing the guilt card. Hehehe.
"Ok so here's what happens," Mira started. Of course she was going to tell the story.

One week earlier

Levy's POV

"Levy!" Said hunky Gajeel,
"Gajeel," said a tall Levy with giant breasts
"Let's get married!" Hunky Gajeel declared
"Lets!" Laughed Tall Levy With Giant Breasts
And we ran away into the sun set.....

"Shrimp..... Shrimp.... hello wake up Shrimp," came a voice.
I opened my eyes to see..... Gajeel
"Hey... Gajeel, why aren't you a hunk any more?" I wondered
"What are you on about?" He asked
"Oh whoops it was a dream," I said blushing.
"You're a strange Shrimp," Gajeel told me
"Don't call me Shrimp, my names Levy, L-E-V-Y!" I spelled it out for him
"Anyway are you free on Sunday?" Inquired Gajeel, a slight hint of pink on his cheeks
"Not that I know of," I answered
"Well, I was wondering would you like to hang out that day, you know..." he trailed of
"As friends?" I wondered, feeling disappointed
"No..... on... on... on a date!" He yelled the word date.
"Yes I would love too!" I exclaimed. Whoops I think I sounded desperate....... 😅

The day of the date

"Oy! Shrimp!" Came a voice
I turned to come face to face with a blushing Gajeel.

Gajeel's POV


That was the only word that came to mind....

Levy looked amazing.
She was wearing a cute little orange dress, with her hair the same but instead of a head band she had a matching bow. Dainty green shoes small pink flowers.

We went to the theme park and went on every single one of the rides. Levy screamed as loud as a dying cat on the rollercoasters while I laughed at her reactions. On the teacups I felt sick and thought I was going to die.😵

Soon night fell and we watched the fire works explode in the sky.
"Hey Gajeel!" Levy started
"Yeah what's up?" I asked
"I need you to promise not to laugh," she said seriously
"I promise," I promised confused
"Well the thing is.... I'm.... I'm.... I'm in with you," she said looking away
"That's great!" I smiled, looking up at the sky "because I'm in love with you,"
"Be my boyfriend?"
"Be my girlfriend?"

Back to present day and Lucy's POV

"Awwwww, that's so romantic!" I cooed
"Do you wanna see pictures?" Mira wondered
"Heck yeah!" I smiled "wait how do you know all this?"
"I have my ways!" I heard her say. The way she said it sent shivers down my spine.

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