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Chapter 2

Cameron's POV

I'm so nervous. I'm so nervous. I walk into the room and. Grace is sitting on the bed. Damn she looks beautiful. I hear Hayes whisper something to me. What he said only made me more nervous.

"Do anything funny with my sister, and I will tell Nash and I can tell you now it won't be pretty," Hayes says with a stern look on his face.

"Hey, Grace can I talk to you?" She smiles and pulls of the covers so I an sit there with her.

"I've actually need to talk to you too," she says staring at her feet. "Okay I'm just going to go right out and say it. I like you!" I smile.

"I like you too!" I respond.

"No not like that. I mean I love you! I said it! I love Cameron Dallas!" She loves me! I love her! My smile is so big that my cheeks hurt.

"Now that we're confessing, I should just say that I love you more! I love Grace Grier to the moon and back! And if any of you dumb boys out there try to touch her, I will personally kill you! So keep your hands off my girl!" I look at here and she's in shock, "I probably came on a little strong. Gosh dang it! I always do that! I understand if you don't want to be with me now. I'll just go." Idiot. She liked me and I just blew it.

I stand up and turn to leave the room, and she grabs my hand. I turn around and there she is stroking my hand looking deeply into my eyes. I pull her closer and plant my lips right on her's. Where did that come from? I grab her waist and hoist her up she wraps her legs around me. She pushes harder against me and I set her down on the bed. What am I doing? She's 13, but I love it. I love every minute of it and don't want it to end.

Grace's POV

"Okay I'm going to just go right out and say it. I like you," where did that come from? I was waiting for him to say his thing first because I'm a good person, but I guess it's too late now.

"I like you too!" Cam responds. Awww he's so cute. Grace focus! Deep breaths.

"No not like that. I mean I love you! I said it! I love Cameron Dalles!" Wow that feels good. I finally got that off my chest. Though, I probably just ruined our whole relationship.

"Now that we're confessing, I should say that I love you more! I love Grace Grier to the moon and back! And if any of you dumb boys out there try to touch her, I will personally kill you! So keep your hands off my girl!" Wow. He just said that? He loves me more than anything? Oh. My. God, "I probably came on a little bit too strong. Gosh dang it! I always do that! I understand if you don't want to be with me now. I'll just go," No don't go! He stands up. I really want him to stay so we can talk about this. I grab his wrist and stroke it.

He turns around and I look deeply into his eyes. Next thing I know I'm kissing him! I want to scream! I'm so happy! He grabs my waist and lifts me up probably so he doesn't have to lean down to kiss me. Anyway, I wrap my legs around him and press my body against him. He sets me down on my bed and I kiss more forcefully. I loved it. Every second of it.

"Cam?" I ask. He stops kissing me and pulls away.

"I'm sorry I just- I don't know what came over me!" He says.

"No no no it's not that, I just-" there was no good way to end that sentence so I just kiss him. His tongue grazes me lips and I welcome it wholeheartedly and repeat his actions. We just sit there on my bed kissing until we're out of breath.

"Now do you believe me?" He smirks, "I could've gone harder."

"I want you to, but I don't think I'm ready. Let's take things slow we've done this too fast," he nods. And gets up.

Magcon Madness (a Matthew Espinosa & Cameron Dallas Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now