Wrong path- the reason why it called the wrong path is because that path can take u to a dark world,
It like a mirror, thare a light said but on the other side of the mirror is the opposite & a dark feeling come on long as you are walking on your path things around u stated to slow down and it started to get dark and it feel like the hold world is against you then u feel like giving up but u stated to hear a voice telling you not to give upLight- the reason it called the light is because that light is reaching out to your soul and heart, trying to pull u up and get u back on your path & they are not giving up on you. As you get back on your path u see a light, it light up your path and some of your light is on it too. Soon u will have wig to fly on your path &never showed your scared in the eyes but u have a long way to learn before that happened. If u sometimes feel like the past is because back u could always learn from your mistakes.
Even in relationship, you can try to fix them and heal it as long u have hope for your self &determined.
a little bit about me
De Todojust to get to know me better try to come up with new ideas, show some of my drawing or what ever. ^^ ☆☆ Some dare/Q&A