Chapter One ~Weird~

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Ever since i met Logan everything in the world became "weird". I kept having dreams that came true(Prophicies). I had a dream last night well it was more like a nightmare. It was that there was something in Russel high i was supposed to fight it then bamn the world ends...

That day more and more "weird" stuff started to happen someone didnt seem to have a bone in there arm, somebody grew wings, but the weirdst thing that happened to me was, my friends turned on me one minute we was talking about how we would all stick together no matter what then all of a sudden they start screaming slut chasing after me with knifes? after they had done it they had no idea what they had done, to make me so anxious.

"Scarlet?" my friends Lily, Justin, Lolita and Charlie shouted after me "Wait up please, what havewe done?" i didnt wait up i just kept walking to school trying to blank them. When I got to school my english teache Miss.Hagindeer pointed at me then started yelling "This is all your fault" then all of a sudden she turned into ashes. After that most peoplestayed well away from me except my family and my true friends Lily, Justin, Lolita and Charlie.

The next day a huge spiney creature came to my house around sixish waking me my family and friends up, by smashing up the living room, as soon as he saw me he turned around walked over to me "Scarlet Rose, Your going to loose and I'm going to win" then disappered out of mine and everybody elses sight. They all looked horrified "Wait what does that monster mean we are going to loose?" others started saying "Are we going to die?" I sighed loudly making them jerk there heads to me "Guys non of us are going to die I promise, dont listen to them i'm sure we can beat them" I said whilst smiling, they all start smiling "Yeah we gonna kick some beasties arse"

About a hour after that happened I went upstairs and sat by myself, i realised what i had said this morning we have to win or we are just going to die all of us, i dont want to die yet im too young, we could turn into ashes i dont want to see my family or friends go through pain...Wait i meant what i said this morning we are going to win and that bastard creature is so going to die.


A/N sorry it isn't that good worth a try though eh?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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