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The New York streets have been my playground for the past five years now. I am known at almost every bar and club that is worth going to in this city. I’ve met a lot of people and spent quite a few nights in a holding cell. Yet that hasn’t stopped me, nothing has.

Not even her…




I just landed at JFK a few minutes ago and was already itching for a beer; or maybe even some tequila. All I had with me after that ‘fulfilling’ two months down in Colorado is a few clean t-shirts and my phone. Then again, I didn’t exactly go down there with tons of shit anyway, its all still at my flat, although I haven’t been there in about six months.

I had to give an address to the cab driver though, and then found myself heading to that one place that I don’t think I’d ever be welcomed back at.

I called up my friends and not a single one of the assholes answered. Great, now I have to have a confrontation with her before I can get to the bar. I had little time to think as I pulled up outside of the tall building in the suburbs of New York. I tipped the greasy taxi driver and hauled my own shit from the trunk, barely closing in before he zoomed off.

“Jerk!” I screamed after his cab.

It was all too familiar to me, it was eerie in the building still and I felt out of place. I shouldn’t feel out of place in this building, this is where I lived for, well since I came to the US.

She, she’s the one who should feel out of place, she’s the one that lives in my flat. The few times I have come back here since I decided to move out have all started and ended the same way.

“How have you been?” “I’ve been the same, drinking my life away; I do believe you called it that.” She just shook her head, muttering an ‘oh’ before it fell quiet.

“You love it though, seeing me here I know you do.” I snarled back at her as I got up from my armchair. “I was just asking, and its your fault that this is our situation now, you did this to us and yourself.”

She’s right, I know she is but fuck it. “I don’t have to change for anyone doll, not even you.”

Every time I show up there I have the mind set to kick her ass out of here, I can never go through with it though. I’d be lying if I tell you that I don’t care where she ends up, because I do, and there are plenty of shitty people in this city, she’s safer at my flat.

At least I know she’s still there…

When I leave I feel a sense of calm and its like a weight has been lifted on my shoulders knowing that I would know exactly where to find her if I needed to. She could have moved over the past six months, hell I haven’t been living there for over a year now.

Having her there is just one less thing I will feel guilty for, until about the tenth shot when nothing in my mind is coherent.




After the awkward and forced interaction at my flat I walked back to the club where I left my car. I can tell you how it got there as well, ask me after I leave the club at 2:30am and I might not be so sure.

What I do, now that I don’t have a place to live, is I drive from bar to bar. When the bar closes for the night I go and sleep out in my car.

As far as I know, I haven’t tried to drive it yet while intoxicated, although I wouldn’t put it past my stupid mentality to do so, and if I kill someone then I guess someone dies.

I’m a shitty person, I know, and I don’t care.

Finally, when I arrived at my car Pete my ‘friend’ replied to my message and let me know where they would be partying tonight. Santos Party House would be our place for the night, one of the best around.

Now before you think that I’m that asshole friend that is the only one getting arrested and drunk off my ass, I’m not; my whole group, per say, get just as wasted as I do and have been hauled away just as much as me.

It isn’t all about the drinking either, I have had my fair share of women over the past five years.

That’s another perk, the sex here is great, and there is tons of it to go around. I guess you could say that, that was one of the reasons I lost her. I wasn’t committed but neither was she.

She lied to me also. I may be a heartless bastard to most, but I loved her.







This was an introduction to my story as well as an introduction to the main character, Harry. More will be revealed about “her” later and as we go along in this story. I hope you enjoy it! ((Its really short but the chapters will get longer as more info is added to the plot))

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