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A dream, it all started when a boy name Caleb  dreamed that his parents died on a car accident. He thought to himself as he went down stairs and saw both of his parents still in the kitchen preparing for breakfast. As he went down the stairs he told both of his parents to be careful and to always be safe. His parents starred  as he was saying this words and said to him that he must be dreaming and to stop worrying about them.

Once they were done eating breakfast , his parents started to both go inside the car when he said that he didn't feel like going to ride the bus and wanted to ride the car I instead. But his parents said that they are going to be late if they drop him off at school, but Caleb got really pissed off and went inside the car just to see what was gonna happened, but right before he entered he saw his friend waving at him and told him to come ride with them at the bus.

He told his parents that he changed his mind and was going to ride the bus because his friends are there, so he left and rode the bus.Throughout the school day he forgot about the dream that he dreamed of last night and kept on talking to his friends then while he was in class for 4th period the counciler called Caleb up in the office and told him it was important.

So he ran all the way to the counselor's room through the main office and asked the counselor what happened that was so important. The counselor looked at the boy with a sincerely and serious face and told Caleb to calm down when he finds out the news about what he's going to say . The counselor's face was so scared that Caleb shouted just to hear the news about what she's going to say.

Then the counselor's voice was so scared and she said the bad news is that his parents died all Caleb can hear was DIED DIED it kept going in his head in circles that he forgot about everything that has happened at school and focus on his parents face. Then when the counselor looked at his face Caleb let it all out he cried like the world ended he cried a million tears because he lost the most valuable thing in his life and in the world his parents. He was so so sad that he even missed his parents this morning just talking to him.

After two hours...... Caleb went straight to bed to got to sleep at his auntie's house because that's the only place he could go to for right now. So he laid down his bed and couldn't sleep because he couldn't stop thinking about his parents , his then auntie came in front his door and said to Caleb , Are you ok Caleb? Caleb said

o aunt , I m sorry but I cannot forget about what happened today. His aunt just walked in front of his bed and hugged him tight because she knows that he needs her company.

The next day Caleb woke up and found out that he smelled something delicious at the kitchen and realized that his aunt was making rice with eggs and other breakfast foods, the table was filled with a lot of  foods everything was full. BTW (Caleb's auntie is single and has no child , she's very rich too) The table was filled with too much food that they can't finish it. Caleb said to his aunt thank you and said he's gonna be ready to go to school . His auntie has work because she is a doctor so she told Caleb to not take the bus and to just ride with her , Caleb said ok and got Ready. After his auntie drop him off the school he went and sat on a bench looking at his friends because he didn't have the courage to talk to his friends again after what happened yesterday. So Caleb started to think why his dream came true...

So he then started imagining sitting on the bench and waited for the bell to ring because he came so early. Then when he started dreaming while his eyes were open , he dreamed about a person or a guy that just popped out of his dream and his face looks so familiar and then Caleb realize that it was his parents boss at their work so he started thinking, what does this dream mean. And then he started dreaming again and he saw his parents boss holding a knife and a pistol on his hand . Caleb then freak out!!! He started to know that the boss of his parents killed them. He started to collect some informations about the boss and knew his name and were he lives. ( Name: Tim Billder Lives: East Wood LA) he then called his aunt at work but she didn't answer so ......

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2017 ⏰

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