~• Chapter 19 •~

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You are an (A/T)<--- Animal type

(Chapter contains a bit of rape??)

(Listen to the music when ever my lovelies.)

(Thanks for the reads and votes loves so here's a new chapter!)

It had been over 8 months since you joined Mephiles and Scourge.  Sonic and Shadow haven't seen you since that dreadful night.

The city was now a living hell for everyone, half of the citizens were dead or hidden somewhere.

But as for Sonic and his friends.. They are all struggling to stay alive.

Amy was nearly dead from injuries.

Blaze was almost dead from starvation.

Cream was... Well let's just say she's in a better place now.

Rouge was so broken and hurt she never left when the gang had to find food or water.

Tikal was also very injured but not as bad as Amy.

Knuckles was slowly going insane by the day.

Silver kept rethinking everything that happened and wished he could have stopped it.

Tails lost hope and didn't bother to try.

Sonic.... Was depressed that he had let his friends down and that they were all slowly dying.

The rest of the team was either lost.. Or slowly giving up.

And as for Shadow... He sat in a room all day, in a corner with his head in his hands.

He regretted leaving you, he felt that he should have helped you before this had all happened.

8 months.. 8 months since he's seen you.

Shadow had never felt this lonely before. At first it was him giving the orders but now... It's you..

Shadow stood up and walked out of the room to see everyone with sad and broken looks on their faces.

"I can't do this anymore.. We have to do something..." Shadow sounded more broken than anyone.

Sonic stood up and looked at Shadow.

"Shadow what is there to do? Half of us are dying and hurt..! We can't do anything..! (Y/N) is gone and you need to get that through your head! She betrayed us! Forget about her!" Sonic yelled.

Shadow was beginning to get frustrated with Sonic.

"This isn't about (Y/N)! It's about us! We are dying and we can't let it end like this! Mephiles already has total control of the world! We need to do something now or nothing will change!" Shadow yelled back.

Sonic shook his head, signaling they weren't going anywhere.

"Fine.. " Shadow began to walk towards the door to leave.

"And just so you know.. (Y/N) didn't betray us.. She was killed and made into a slave.. Don't mix the story up faker.. You know she didn't betray us because you seen the whole thing happen.. " Shadow huffed and left without another word.

~• Time Skip •~

Shadow made his way through the scattered debris that led up to the castle where you had been.

Since Mephiles took over the world you haven't been seen as much. But that was about to change.

"Mephiles!!" Shadow yelled trying to get the twisted hedgehog to come out.

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