Everlasting Painful Love

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"Alana! Wake up." My mom shouts from downstairs. I ignore her and roll over. "Alana!" She calls again. "Whyyy." I groan added extra letters that aren't included. "Because its not summer anymore!" She replies. "Oh, is today the first day of school?" I ask. My mom stays silent, and I assume shes annoyed with me, so I stretch and sit up.

I pull my dirty blond hair out of the massacred ponytail. It flows down to the low south of my back. I wouldn't say I'm tumblr girl pretty, but I'm not evil step sister ugly. I guess i'm average.

I walked over to my brothers room, to make sure he was awake, and of course he isn't. He was probably out partying last night. I'm in 11th grade and he's in 10th. I cheer for the school, while he does football. Our parents forced us to be athletic since we could walk, honestly its pretty tiring at times, but cheer is the only way I met my best friend, were practically sisters! Her names Sapphira! Her name is so pretty, i've always been jealous!

"Tyler, wake up." I say. He groans and slowly opens his eyes. We have the same hair, except of course his is A LOT shorter. He has that typical high school boy hairstyle. We look almost exactly alike, except his cheeks are more sunk in and his eyes are a deep blue, while mine are a plain dark brown. I leave his room and make my way to my bathroom.

"Time to kill this monster." I say to myself in the mirror. By that I mean, its time to put on makeup. Yeah you know how to do that, so I won't go into detail. I go to my closet, and pic an outfit. I decided to go with a scoop back grey lace shirt, with and under shirt, and i put on some light pink leggings and some grey Uggs. Since the shirt was so plain I added a chevron white and light pink scarf.

"You look pretty." My dad says as he lifts his eyes from the news paper he's reading. I smile and look at the head line. "Hey mom, look they have a job opening for "Smooth Smoothie", that small new shop down the street." I told her, knowing that I would need a job soon.

"Ooh, well why don't you go there after school, I'm sure Sapphira won't mind giving you a ride." My mom said with a smile on her face. "Yeah, well if someone could buy me a car..." I mumbled, but I guess my parents have extremely good hearing. "Well once someone gets a job and earns money to buy one..." My mom mumbled back.

"Well I have to go to work, goodbye." My dad says as he gets up from his seat. I look at the clock and see that it's almost time for me to leave.

"Well Sapphira is picking me up soon, so bye." I told my mom as I went out onto the porch. I saw Sapphira pull up in my drive way, and I made my way to her car.

"Someones pissed." She says as I slam the door. Sapphira has a lisp, but its not an annoying one, its a pretty one. Usually her hair is pulled into some sort of up-do, but today she had her dark brown, almost black, hair down and wavy. "I'm not pissed, I just didn't feel like waking up this morning." I explain to her.

Sapphira and I live in the same neighborhood, just different blocks. "Why should we be excited, I mean we got redistricted and now we have to start a new school, there probably won't be any cute guys." Sipphira adds with a fake frown. I laugh and turn on the radio.

Its now lunch and Sapphira and I decided to sit in the outside area. "Sooo...hows your first day been?" She asks me. "Well.." I stop and smile. "Ooh, cute guy?" She asks. Yeah his name..." I get cut off as my phone rings. I smile and answer it.

"Hello, Alana speaking." I say.

"Alana sweetie, its me mom...." She pauses and I hear her take in air and breath out. Her voice is cracky and I start to get concerned.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, finally. "Yes...I mean no..no everything is not ok, um..well on your dads way to work, there was this lady who ran a red light, while his was green. She crashed on his side." My mom tells me. My heart drops, literally. I feel weird, like I'm somewhere else and this isn't the real world. Sapphira looks at me with concern and I realize this is the real world.

"Is...is he gonna be okay?" I ask getting worried. "No, he's not dead or anything, but he has a sever concision." My mom explains. "Should we be concerned?" I asked. There was no answer, and I knew she wanted to say no, but she new if she was wrong, i wouldn't be too happy with her.

"Ok well, I'll come straight after school."I tell her. "No sweetie, you have your job interview." She reminds me. "Well that can wa..." "No it can't you need to go, I'll call if anything happens." She tells me, So I do as she said and end the call.

Sapphira already heard everything, because she was leaning in and all. She gave me a light hug and said sorry. My dad was a fighter, I didn't really think much of this, I knew he would recover.

Suddenly the door to the outside area opened. I looked over and saw him.

Blake, the guy I was talking about, before my mom called.

"Thats him." I whisper to Sapphira. "Oh I know him, he's in my 3rd and 5th period." She whispers back. Black has light brown hair, styled perfectly, like he's getting ready for a shoot for vogue. His face is just....Perfect! He has bright blue eyes and a broad nose.

"You should talk to him." She tells me. I look at her like she just told me to light my arm on fire. I'm not the type of girl who tells the guy she likes, that she likes him. I'm not confident, unless I'm with my friends of course.

"Okay, sorry. But if I were you..i would." She says. "Oh just like the tome where you went up to Evan and told him you like him." I say sarcastically. "Hey, he was popular, I knew he wouldn't like me, but you have a chance." She reassures me. "Yeah..No." I tell her and we giggle.


A/N: So, sadly my main account @accountproblems (it used to be called @sarah3307) had some issues and it won't let me update my love series "Baking Love", so I had to make a new account and decided to make a new book. Ive already finished the first two books in the series, but I won't be able to finish the 3rd one, but if you would like me to write it back on her, then I could just copy and paste it! So tell me what you want and I'll do it! But anyway I hope you like this series, its not that exciting yet, but thats because this was more of a get to know the characters chapter!




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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