Chapter Seven

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"What are you doing at my house?" Lucy asks the fiery haired werewolf on her doorstep.
"I need a break from Harry and all the rest of them." She replies. "Any chance you're down for some girl time?" Lucy's stomach feels as though it turns solid and her face contorts slightly but she does a good job of hiding it. Girl time was rarely her thing and Georgia was pretty much the only close female friend that she had; girls tended to create too much drama for her liking. Having guy friends seemed much more appropriate. She seems to detect Lucy's discomfort and makes an immediate attempt to elaborate. "Don't worry, no shopping or makeup. I just need to get away from all the testosterone." Lucy laughs a little, imagining what it must be like to be surrounded by hormone driven werewolves most of the time.
"Yeah sure." She replies, stepping outside and into the sunlit street. Their simple outfits were quite similar, apart from Lucy wearing converse instead of pumps. The denim hot pants made their legs look endless and their pastel crop tops showed just enough stomach to say look at me but don't stare.
"I'm Kira, by the way." She says, smiling at Lucy. The sun begins to set as the air becomes cooler and the comfortable silence between the both of them begins to wear thin. "So, has Harry made his move on you yet?" An icy chill makes its way down Lucy's spine as a result of Kira's words and she almost stops walking as they pass the town center. It was completely empty at this time of the day.
"Um... what do you mean?" Lucy stutters. Kira smirks at her reaction, shooting Lucy a careful side glance as they stroll past the closed shops.
"That's a yes then. Harry's the most alpha-iest alpha you could meet. He's totally convinced that we won't see him as our alpha until he finds his mate." Lucy's eyes widen as she realizes the many similarities between werewolves and actual wolves. "He's made a move on all the female werewolves so far. The last two left the pack because of it." Lucy doesn't find that too hard to believe.
"So how did Harry become the alpha?" Lucy asks eventually as they cross the empty street. Kira sighs before replying.
"That's a whole other story." She laughs slightly as she looks up to see Lucy's expectant expression, waiting for her to continue. "Cody was next in line to be alpha." She elaborates. Cody? "But he didn't want it. So naturally, the lineage fell to Harry." Lucy's next question flies past her lips before she'd even had time to process what she was going to say.

"Why didn't Cody want to be alpha?" Kira raisesan eyebrow but answers all the same.
"I guess he didn't want the responsibility. Being the alpha of a werewolf packmeans more than just a few things. Cody didn't like the restriction it wouldmean." Lucy thinks about that for a second and thinks about the differencesbetween Cody and Harry; their temperaments were complete polar opposites.
"But you'd prefer Cody to be your alpha rather than Harry, right?" Kira laughsas they reach the edge of the town center and begin to walk towards the firstcul-de-sac and block of apartments.
"You should be careful saying things like that..." Lucy bites her bottom lipnervously at Kira's words. "But yeah, we'd all love Cody to be alpha. The lasttime we tried to convince him, he disappeared for a month and no one knew wherehe'd gone so no one's brought it up with him since." Lucy makes a mental listof questions to ask Cody later. "So, why the sudden fascination with Codyanyway?" The overwhelming urge to vomit comes out of nowhere and causes Lucy tobend forwards slightly.
"Wha... um, what do you mean?" She splutters out eventually. Kira laughs again atLucy's reaction.
"Lucy, you can say it if you want. Cody is H.O.T hot. Only an idiot couldn't see that." Lucy's breathing increases at arapid pace as she desperately looks for a way out of this conversation.
"Well if he's so hot then why haven't you... you know?" Kira rolls her eyes andruns her hand through her hair before looking back to Lucy.
"You probably don't know it but most werewolves are related in one way oranother and Cody's like, my second cousin or something." Wow, Lucy thinks. That was slightly messed up. But then again, shecouldn't help but think of the state of her own life.
"Wow. So, who else is related?" Kira grins at Lucy's hunger for knowledge.
"Well, obviously Jordan and Jamie are twins. Um, Harry was my step sibling-"Lucy frowns slightly at that statement. "Yeah,that was a hell of a coincidence, but our parents haven't spoken for years, soyeah." Lucy stays quiet for a few seconds, making sure that Kira had finished.
"So how often do you guys... find mates?"Kira bursts out laughing, failing to hold back a snort as the sun disappearsbehind a cloud and causes the afternoon to darken slightly.
"Not as often as we'd like. I mean like I said most of us are related in someway, which makes things hella' awkward, and relationships with human partnersjust end up being... problematic." Lucy almost laughs, imagining having toexplain that one. Then her mind flickers fleetingly to her parents.
"You know my mum was-"
"The infamous Luna Monath, yeah."Kira says, finishing Lucy's sentence.
"Well do you think, do you think my dad knew?" Kira's eyes shoot upwardsbriefly, as if she were deep in thought.
"It's not unheard of." She answers, as they begin to head to the town's border."Sometimes us werewolves fall for someone normal and sometimes they'reaccepting... other times they're not." A half laugh passes Kira's lips before shecontinues. "Some of us, like me for example, just figure it's easier not to sayanything." Lucy digests the considerable amount of information at an impressivespeed. Combing her dark hair behind her ear with her hand, her thoughts driftunconsciously to Cody and his cheeky smirk, then his alluring lips. "Lucy!"Kira exclaims. Lucy snaps back to reality, seeing Kira in front of her. "I'lllet you in to a secret if you'd like?" Lucy nods her head eagerly, almostresembling a bobble head doll for a couple of seconds. Kira grins again beforecontinuing. "Cody's a soppy romantic. Give him an opportunity and he'll takeit." Lucy stares openly into space for a few seconds as her mind speeds up toone hundred miles per hour, creating various vivid scenes that involved her andCody. "Shall we head back?" Kira asks. Lucy frowns a little, attempting tofigure out Kira's words. "Oh my goodness! You haven't seen the den." Lucy'sfrown remains firmly on her face and she shakes her head a little. "Follow me,girl." Kira says excitedly, taking Lucy's hand and rushing down the road.

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