The Purpose

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The purpose PART 1

By: Farouk Elabady


That’s what they call, even though it is not descriptive enough but saying those words in whispering voice only means this mountain and nothing else, legends have been rumoring around it since the beginning of time, that whoever manage to reach its top will see heaven on earth, will achieve all his dreams, some say there is a city there on the top where magic and technology combines to achieve what mankind see impossible.

Have anyone managed to reach its top?

Nobody knows for sure but many have tried some have been found dead and others went missing , even if they arrive for sure they won't return after what they will see there in THE MOUNTAIN.

And here I am walking near the foothill of THE MOUNTAIN, another traveler with heart full of adventurous dreams and ambitions with one of my dearest friends accompanying me, it was dark like a bottom of a well with cold storm striking us with its wind from all directions, my friend was shaking badly, I can clearly hear his teeth cracking each other across the air.

-          Let's go back , it's dangerous to continue in this weather "he said with shaking voice"

-          No we have finally reached there if we return, we won't be able to go back here again, we must continue soon we will find a shelter near and wait till this storm pass by.

-          Are you crazy or something man there is nothing here and even if there is, how will we see it, in this pitch dark moment we are seeing now.

I grabbed my friend mouth with my hands saying "hsssh, silence can you hear it", "hear what????" he said while giving me a look like I am really a crazy person, "there is ring bells sound in the air, I guess there is a house near by" I said while turning my head carefully trying to determine where this sound came from, suddenly my friend push my hands back given me a sudden punch in the face with me falling on the ground like an old barrel , "you are crazy really crazy , fuck that , I am going back , go die away from me you idiot" he shouted at me and in blink of an eye when I raised my body from the ground to see him he already disappeared in the storm that raging on, somehow I felt silence around me looking at the darkness before me thinking what shall I do now shall I go with him or shall I continue my journey , my mind stopped becoming an empty shell only the question remains, suddenly I hear it again those ring bells echoing through the air, making me come to my senses again so I stranded and walked through the storm through the fury of the air into the darkness of THE MOUNTAIN.

Somehow everything ended the storm the cold everything, like I entered an empty space, the only thing that I can see in front of me was an old wooden house with fire torches around it, I hesitated in my walk felt like I am walking through a field mines, is this true does something like that really exist in this world, before I know it I was there in front of the rusty door of the house, I raised my shaken hand grabbing the door handle and …….

"Seems we have a new visitor, welcome to my house" saying a deep calm voice to me but somehow I felt its entity surrounding me from all directions, "who are you, answer me?" I shouted with loud voice trying to make it strong but somehow failed miserably and my fears emerged through my words, "I am just an old man living in this house, don't be afraid my son, come in I will prepare a cup of tea for you".

The door opened by itself once the old man finished his words, it was creepy very creepy, but from inside the house I smelled one of the finest odors, I have ever experienced vanishing all my fears in an instant like it was nothing, every corner in this house held a fire torch with its flame dancing in a beautiful and somehow sync way that seems impossible to achieve in normal circumstances, and here he was a bold with long bear man and deep black eyes sitting there at the middle of a house hall  with a table holding two cups of hot tea with their vapor dancing with the flames of the torches.

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