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Hello everyone so I wanted to make a new book that I hope you guys will love. This book is a Vampire Knight x OC x Diabolik Lover fanfic. This book was inspired by The Specail Kuran Sakamaki made by @GenesisGaheta. Watch the video as you read because I think that the song goes great with this story. Hope you enjoy and ttyl.


《{Rebecca's POV}》

I wonder what it's like to get hugs and kisses from a mommy and a daddy, I thought as I was laying on the cold floor of what was called my bedroom. Why does mommy and daddy hate me so much I mean I don't think I did anything wrong, maybe I should leave it's not like they would care if I was gone but big brother would miss me and I don't want him to be sad, OK I've made up my mind I won't leave so big brother isn't sad, I thought as I had a small smile graced my face.

Juri, my 'mother', always likes to take her anger out on me. She didn't care when I begged her to stop she just keeps hitting and hitting me until I pass out. Haruka, my 'father', would use tools to hurt me from whips to knives to many other contraptions that would cause me pain. I have scars all over my body for when I couldn't heal myslef properly. Yuki, my twin 'sister', doesn't know I exist she thinks that she's the only other sibling next to Kaname. Kaname, my brother, is very kind to me and he has never once tried to hurt me. I'm grateful to him for that, for I know that at least there is one person in my 'home' that cares for me.

The maids and other staff members care for me as well and I do consider them more my family than my actual one. My uncle Rido is another family member that cares for me, he comes to visit me when its Christmas and when its my birthday. He likes to give me pictures of what its like outside my house, books that take me to the most magical of place's where I can escape this hell for only just a little bit of time, and he also gives me clothes that are the most beautiful things I have ever seen. One of my favorites is a simple blue ball gown that is to big for me now but once I grow up I know I would wear it (the picture above).

Today was my birthday, I was turning 6 today along with Yuki but no one will care except uncle Rido, big brother, and the other servants in the mansion. As I was laying in my room with nothing but a candle to show me what little was in the room I heard many voices outside my door. I then heard a knock from outside my room. I got up to open the door and saw everyone that was apart of the staff there and in the middle was a small cupcake with but a single candle with blue frosting on it.

"Happy birthday Rebecca we all wish it to be the best day for you," said Angelica as she moved towards my direction so I could blow out the candle and make a wish.

Please, please, please let my family notice me and be happy that I'm their daughter, I wished as I blew out the candle. I always wished for the same thing every year for as long as I could remember. The servants left to finish preparations for Yuki's party. I didn't mind, I was used to it and I didn't really care because I knew that my uncle Rido would soon come and wish me happy birthday as well. As I finished eating the cupcake I heard another knock at the door, I then immediately ran to it thinking it was another one of the servants but I came to find out it was only Kaname.

"Rebecca I know I haven't been the best big brother to you but I wanted to give you something very special for your birthday so here is a rare flower that only blooms once every thousand years I incased in a special amber that will keep it alive forever and I'm giving this to you," Kaname said as he handed me the amber incased flower. (Picture down below)

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