Chapter 2

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Here's a new chapter for you guys hope you continue to read this book. I hope that all of you have a good day or night where ever you are. The cover was made by . Also I am looking for a song for this chapter so read and the first one to give me a recommendation I will add the song as well as give a shout out to you in the next chapter.


《{Rebecca's Pov}》

After we had left mommy's at the main entrance we started to walk down a long dark hallway. I'm so happy that mommy's are happy that I'm here and that they aren't angry with me, I hope that we continue to get along so well, I thought while swinging daddy's hand in mine smiling brightly.

"You seem so happy little angel are you loving your new family so far," daddy said turning his head to me as we continued so walk down the hallway.

"Daddy I know that we are going to meet my new brothers but where are we going," I asked still having a smile on my face.

"We are going to meet them at my office, plus this gives me a chance to show you a little bit of the house," Daddy replied turning his head forward as we continued to walk. We soon got quiet but it wasn't awkward it was calming and it gave me the chance to look around. Everything in the house was so pretty but it also looked expensive. Though the walls, floors, and ceiling had dark colors to them they were still beautiful. There was also the most beautiful painting's I had ever seen hanging on the walls and that made me want to also learn how to paint.

Not long after we had stopped talking we stopped at a door that looked liked all the other doors we had passed. "OK little angel behind that door are your new brothers are you ready to meet them," daddy asked as he turned his head to me. I was both excited to meet them and terrified at the same time but I knew it was time so I took a deep breath in and let it out getting rid of my nerves with that one breath. "OK daddy I'm ready to meet my brothers," I said giving him a grin to show that I was ready.

"OK little angle," He said as he let go of my hand and opened the door. Once it was opened I stepped in. As I stepped into the office I saw a large desk with many papers and un-opened envelopes along with a lamp, books, pencil holder filled with me pens and among other things. As I turned to my left I saw an entire wall of bookshelf's filled to the brim with books and a small table and chair stood In front of the bookshelf.

Once I was done sight seeing I turned my head to the right and saw six boys around my age standing around in the office. Their all so handsome I just hope that they like me and don't shun me like my last 'family' did, I thought as I continued to stare at them not really sure on what to do.

"Boys this is the surprise I had for you, now keep in mind please don't do anything to upset her, she has had a terrible past and I took her in because I wanted her to be able to live a happy life so please take good care of her," daddy spoke to them trying not to give too much of my past but also trying to prevent what happened at the main entrance. They all replied with a 'yes sir' he then gave them a warm smile and aloud them to introduce themselves.

 They all replied with a 'yes sir' he then gave them a warm smile and aloud them to introduce themselves

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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