~3~ Its Ok

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Yuki sat on the bathroom floor. Thinking. "Kaname, hes my brother. Oh god, all this time ive been in love with my brother. What kind if sick person am I. Wait... Zero, did he ever get what he needed?" Yuki opened the door and went back the living room to find Kaname sitting there, chatting it up with the Headmaster. Yuki froze.

"Yuki." Kaname said calmly.

"Kan.. ame..."

"Yuki, whats wrong? Why did you run away?" Kaname stood up.

"I needed to clear my head."

"Shizuka, made a big mistake doing this to you." Kaname said firmly. He grabbed a stran of Yukis hair. "You cut it."

"Im sorry, I just..."

"Its cute."

Yuki blushed. "So, youre my brother. Our parents died... for... me.." The window cracked.

"Hey, they loved you, and I do too. Thats all that matters."

"I..." Yuki looked over her shoulder in the direction of Zeros room. "I have to make sure hes ok. Excuse me."

Kaname kept a smile till she turned away, as soon as she was away, he broke the glass cup on the table.

"Oh dear. Kaname, that was my gra.. nevermind." The headmaster cleaned the mess.


"Zero?" Yuki knocked. The door slowly opened.

"Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be with the other pureblood. Planning a wedding or something."

Yuki was taken a back, not two minutes ago he was fine, and talking nicely to her.

"No, I came here to check on you."

Zero left the door open and went to his closet. "For what?"

"You... did you, get Shizukas blood?"

"No..." Zero hesitated then proceeded taking his shirt off.

"W..." Yuki blushed. "Why not?"

Zero looked over his shoulder at Yuki with that famous death glare of his. "Because, i used it for you. But turns out, you didnt need her blood. You needed Kurans."

"Kaname? But he didnt...."

"It has to do with your blood line or some crap. I dont know. Look, Im fine. So go back to Kaname."

Yuki scoffed. "Right." Yuki took a shrap object from the dresser and cut her hand. A drop hit the floor. And Zeros eyes flashed red, and a shock of pain went through his neck. "So thats you being fine?" Zero gave her another death glare. Yuki sped right to Zero. "Here." Yuki gave Zero her bleeding hand.

Zero took it and hesitantly bit into her hand. Yuki was reminded of a similar situation. When she cut her finger from the broken glass and gave Zero her finger. "Here lick it." Yuki made a slight gasp as she saw vision of that exact moment.

Zero stopped and grabbed her hand. Pulling her in and bitting her neck. Yuki realized he wasnt exactly as in control as the other times. He was getting close, to Level E. Yuki and Zero slowly sat down on the floor, then layed down. Yukis eyes flashed red sending more visions of every moment the two shared. A tear escaped from Yukis eye. Zero stopped, realizing the situation.

"Im... sorry." Yuki took the blood that was spilling out of her neck before the wound closed. She licked her hand.

"Its ok." Yuki hugged Zero.

The two just sat there in an embrace. Enjoying the moment.

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