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Had I died?

Idiot! Of course you did!


My head turned as I looked up, staring at a bright blue ceiling with black stars littering it. I turned my head to the right and saw a sign I knew way to well.

"Uchiha?" I muttered, sitting up. A sharp pain was thrown into my head as I winced, groaning at the pain in my chest and back along with my head.

What was wrong with me?

A mirror was off to the left, which I pushed myself off the bed which I was on and made my way over there. I paused, horror hitting me as I looked at the reflection.

"I-Is that me!?" I shrieked, noticing that my voice went way to high.

In the mirror was a tall girl, hair like Madara apart from the fact that the bangs were on the left side of the face instead of the right. She was pale and had a beautiful dark red, almost black, eye and under her bangs was a shine of Sharingan red. She wore a dark blue shirt that ended at her hips, leading to some tight grey trousers with a sort of sash that weaved through it. On her feet were dark green sandles that covered her entire feet, leading to her ankles and having black strings. Her chest was a bit to big for me.

"Seinaru ittai!" I screamed.

Feet stomped outside the door as it flew open, showing Madara and two little kids. I screamed, which caused the kids to scream.

"Mika, whats wrong!?" Madara asked, running to me.

I paused a bit, looking at his eyes. It can't be Madara. He died. Anger filled me. Who would dare trick the Hokage!?

"Activate your Sharingan, Madara." I ordered, using my Hokage mode to glare.

"What are you talking about?" Madara asked with a blink, tilting his head like he normally did. I gritted my teeth.

"Do not test me. How dare you trick the Hokage? When I escape this horrid Genjutsu, your life will be hell." I snarled, taking a step forward as he took a step back.

"M-Mika-Nee?" Thr youngest kid stuttered, looking at me with lost eyes. He had a dark blue shirt on and curly black hair, his eyes were also a dark red. He had grey shorts on and looked to be five.

"Shisui... wait a second, Mika doesn't seem to be herself." Madara ordered the child, making me glare.

What the hell is going in!? Madara would never learn a child's name unless it was his brother or a close family member!

"Uchiha. Madara. Activate your Sharingan," I gritted out, folding my hands into signs. "Or I will have to eliminate you."

Madara took another step back as I felt my chakra rushing through me, pain erupting as I winced.

"W-What the hell?" I muttered as I stumbled.

"Mika-Nee!" The other child yelled. He looked almost the same as 'Shisui' but with straight spiky black hair, looking to be around ten.

The child began to run for me as I felt my fight or flight instinct activate. My hands rushed through the signs before I yelled them other, the wood breaking through the floor as it trapped the child.

"Shichuurou no Jutsu."


The wooden prison held the child, me watching with hard eyes.

"Mika! Let him go!" Madara shouted.

I gritted my teeth.

Why were they calling me Mika?

"ACTIVATE YOUR SHARINGAN!" I screamed, clenching my hands even more.

Madara stared me in the eyes with a pleading look, horror slapped right onto his face. I did not like it. It did not suit him.

"I, dont know what your talking about..." He whispered truthfully, staring me right in the eyes.

I paused, trying to sense his chakra.

Oh god.

They had no chakra.

No. Chakra.



"H-HOW!?" I screamed, going frantic.

Its not possible! Everything has chakra! I have chakra!

What is going on!?

Has my entire teaching been lies!?

No, I sensed everything have chakra back home.

"Just let Obito go..."

I dropped my hands, feeling defeated. How? Why?... How is this Madara?


Its not Madara.

Madara was a jerk, rude and a teme. He always thought of himself or his clan first. He wouldn't care about children.

A sudden rush of tiredness fled through me as I dropped like a fly, my breathing going strange.


Was this chakra exhaustion? It did not feel nice. A drunk smile found its way onto my lips as I drifted off, my life in the hands of these three strangers.

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