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Barbara Palvin as Raine Gray ^^^

I haven't cried since it happened. I haven't slept since the nightmare I had last week. I remember waking up terrified, shivering and rocking myself under the blanket, wishing I could slip into a peaceful silence as my mom did. The last time I ate was on Sunday. 

It's Wednesday now.


"Sun is coming up oh, why, oh, why, oh, why, oh, why, oh, why, oh, why.

My eyes snap up from the book I was reading and glance at my phone. You couldn't wait five more minutes, Halsey? With a groan, I stumble out of bed and into the shower. I undress, making sure to avoid my reflection in the mirror. I know I look like trash; I don't need a reminder. 

I trudge under the shower and don't even flinch when the cold water crashes down on me. Rubbing soap recklessly on my still-healing bruises, I maintain an expressionless face and a blank mind. I put a shaky hand in front of my face. The unbroken stream of water hits it, sending ripples down my pale skin and thrusting the cold straight into my bones. I turn the shower off, dry my weak body, and pull on a pair of ripped black jeans and an over-sized black Panic! At The Disco hoodie. 

Shoving my shoes carelessly into worn-out combat boots, glancing quickly around the place I have called home for seventeen years, I carry the bags I packed yesterday and walk outside just as the taxi pulls up. The ride to the airport is silent. I get out as soon as we stop, but not before giving the driver a generous tip. 

Mindless actions―handing an officer my passport, security checks, handing another officer my boarding pass to stamp, handing another officer my stamped boarding pass―float in and out of my mind. I find myself sitting on a navy blue seat staring at a pretty flight attendant with bright red lipstick and perfectly-white teeth as she motions to the exits and demonstrates how to put on an oxygen mask. And then a sonorous rumbling comes from deep within the plane and we slowly start to roll down the runway. The rumbling grows louder and fills my ears, impatiently pushing my thoughts out, and then I feel weightless and lean back and look out the window.

My California-sized world shrinks below me and I am flying.


"So how was your flight?" 

I cast a side-glance at my cousin, Jared. One of his hands is on the steering wheel, the other casually resting on my shoulders. He looks the same as when we met up last month so he could legally become my guardian. Same light stubble, same crooked half-smile, same tousled brown hair.

"Fine." My voice is hoarse from disuse.

Jared's eyes crinkle slightly in concern as he looks at me for a moment before shifting his attention back to the road. "You're going to school tomorrow?"

"I suppose."

We fall into a peaceful silence. I watch the rural hills turn into scattered suburbs and eventually a metropolis of steel. Jared weaves the car in and out of traffic and side roads with the skill of an experienced New Yorker. We finally pull into a garage below a large apartment building. 

He leads me to the elevator that takes us up fifteen floors, and down several hallways. Opening the door for me, he lets me walk in first. My eyes do a quick once-over of what I see: polished wooden floors, a large open space with plush couches and a large fancy TV. A staircase runs along the left wall, and a hallway to the kitchen and dining area runs under it. 

I walk upstairs and follow Jared to one of the rooms. "Here's your room. I guess I'll just leave you alone now. I'll be downstairs if you need anything," he says, closing the door with a welcoming smile. 

A large queen bed with silk black sheets is pushed against the back wall. A horizontal window takes up the middle third of the wall above the bed, and looks out into the maze-like streets and parks of the city. An empty bookshelf is on my left, next to a TV; a couch is on my right. I set my bags in the middle of the room, and collapse on the bed, staring out the window.

Tomorrow is a new day.


Hey guys!

So this is my first Wattpad book, and I'm really excited about it! I have so many ideas. I know this is a really short chapter, but it's just to set the stage for the rest of the story. It's basically a prologue. The next chapters should be at least 2k words long :)

What do you think about the story so far? I really want to know! Comment or PM me your thoughts or any suggestions :)

Have a lovely day <3

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