An Angel's Fidelity

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Title: An Angel's Fidelity

Author: Cirruz

Rated: T+

Warnings: Mentions of death, Vague religious views. Uh... Flirting? Rejection? Tell me if there's anything else and I'll add it in.

Summary: Letting go is one of the hardest things to do. Even for a guardian angel.

For greatest effect, go to youtube and search for Koi Ga Shitai. It's what I listened to while writing it- at least the beginning- so it might add to the emotion.



An Angel's Fidelity


"I hate this part," she whispered, "I hate it more than anything in the world." A hand gently rested on her shoulder, as she watched them carry the casket to the cemetery. The angel bowed her head.

"There's nothing you could have done," Death's raspy voice retorted. She shook her head.

"Then what's the point? I was his guardian! I failed." Her voice broke, "How could I fail?" Death's hand squeezed her shoulder in what she assumed was supposed to be a comforting gesture, but it did nothing to stop the tears from spilling.

Outside, it started to rain. As they lower the casket into the ground, she could see a figure standing away from the rest of the mourners. Her blue eyes softened, and her tears fell faster. She shrugged off Death's hand, and slowly approached the boy.

As she came closer, his features became clearer, despite being somewhat transparent. He was sixteen, but with the expression his face displayed, he looked much older. He didn't acknowledge her presence- he was staring at a little girl squirming in her mother's hold.

"Mama, what are they doing? Why are they putting buh-buh in the ground?" The mother held her daughter tighter, though she didn't say anything. She couldn't.

"Tristan... I didn't know it would... That you would..." Tristan smiled sadly, his eyes finally shifting to the angel.

"It's alright, Maya. I'm not too upset. I'm just worried about my family. First they lose Dad, and now me. I don't think mom can take much more." Maya, now that the ice had been more or less broken, closed the distance between them and hugged her former charge tightly. Her eyes closed, and she breathed deep. He still smelled like Tristan. Like chlorine, and just a hint of cologne.

"I'm sorry. So sorry. I wish I could have done something. Anything." He pulled away, and brought a hand up to rub the back of his neck. A nervous habit she had noticed.

"Nah. I wasn't really going to go anywhere in this life. I wasn't a good enough swimmer to make the Olympics, and I'm not all that smart. I'd probably have ended up flippin' burgers at McDonald's or something," he laughed. Maya tried to smile, but failed. After a few moments of silence, something fluttered in her chest. She looked back at Death, still standing where she had previously. He was a good friend. When it was time for her charge to pass on, he would always be with her when she bid them goodbye for the final time. Some took longer than others. She turned back to Tristan.

"It's time to go." He was staring at his family again, as if trying to memorize every detail. He took a deep breath, and tried to smile.

"Any idea where I'm headed?" Maya bit her lip. She hated this question.

"No, but you were- are- a good person. So it can't be anywhere bad." She smiled, what she hoped was reassuringly. She couldn't say if it was truly a good place or not- she couldn't remember. Everything she was before she was an Angel was blank. A slate wiped clean, so she could be nothing but pure and good. The fluttering in her chest grew more insistent. She held out her hand. Tristan took it with a laugh, and a swipe of his arm across his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2014 ⏰

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