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"So baby, why are you at a club?" Jimin smirked, twirling my hair on his finger.

I averted my gaze away from him and looked at the wall instead, "Is it any of your business?"

He nodded and wrapped his arm around me, "Well I mean I am your boy-"

"Don't even say it," I laughed to myself, "Do you really think you want a 'relationship'?"

Jimin raised an eyebrow, "We are in a relationship."

I took a deep breath, "Jimin, you were the very one who ended it with me," I narrowed my eyebrows and looked him straight in the eye, "Since then you just want attention to fulfill your loneliness."

Jimin looked down and the corner of his mouth curved into a grin, "You know me too well huh?"

I gulped. He was angry and when he's angry he doesn't hurt me but he'll hurt himself.

Jimin looked up as a tear fell down his cheek, "I still love you! After breaking up with you I thought I'd be free." More tears streamed down his cheeks, "But I just ended up trying to look for you everywhere."

I sat there, shocked and surprised.

"I thought maybe if I saw her one last time I'd be able to finally let go of you, but I was wrong cause look at me! I keep running back to you." He shouted but it sounded like a whisper due to the loud music.

I wiped his tears and rested his head on my shoulder as he sobbed.

I had forgotten how good you were at acting.



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