Chapter 34

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Chloé watched the interaction of Adrien and Marinette with interest and more than a little jealousy. She had known Adrien forever and always regarded him as family, but she would be lying if she said there wasn't a part of her that genuinely hoped someday they would be together. Sure, she put on a show of being very possessive of him, but that was more to protect Adrien against the fangirls than anything else. For someone so famous, he was incredibly naive because of the sheltered life he had lived. With his naivety came his signature Adrien sweetness and humility, but it also made him vulnerable at times. Chloé, on the other hand, had spent a lot of time divining the true nature of people and building a reputation to be respected if not feared. She made sure everyone was well aware that Adrien was her friend from his very first day. It may have made it more difficult for him to make friends, but it also definitely warded off those who were only interested in his celebrity.

Now watching him and Marinette, she realized two things. One, that Adrien's experiences as Chat Noir the last year and this whole situation with his mother had definitely stripped him of that naivety. A part of her was sad to see that part of him go, and she realized that was her possessive streak rearing its ugly head. He clearly didn't need her protection anymore, and to be honest, it would be nice to know him in the light of all these recent revelations. She prided herself on being a good judge of character and being able to see through people, but apparently not Adrien. Or Marinette.

And that brought her to realization number two. Any hope she had for a future relationship with Adrien was gone. Even as she watched them now, arguing about whether Marinette should have left without telling anyone or if Chloé getting a miraculous was something they all should have discussed, Chloé couldn't deny that the two seemed to fit. They moved in an involuntary dance, complimenting each other even as they debated. It was clear why the entire city shipped Ladybug and Chat Noir. She signed. She had shipped them too.

She stood there, hand still on her hip and she started to tap her foot in annoyance. Her loyalties may still lie more firmly with Adrien, but even she had to admit he was being annoying. She got that they were partners and made decisions together, but Marinette was a big girl and she was an ass-kicking superhero for Christ's sake! She could take care of herself and make her own decisions. Besides, Marinette didn't choose Chloé for the miraculous. The miraculous did. Marinette had just introduced her to Fu and facilitated it. It was made very clear to her that were she not meant to wield the civilization miraculous, the kwami would not have responded to her in the way it did.

She said this to Adrien. He just sputtered for a moment and then went back to his least logical argument: it could have been dangerous.

Chloé rolled her eyes and the sound of someone clearing their throat from the staircase caught her attention. Alya and Nino stood side by side, each disheveled from sleep but still with purple bruises of tiredness under their eyes.

And the plot thickens, Chloé thought raising an eyebrow at the two.

"If you two are done bickering like an old married couple," Alya started down the stairs, careful to keep a hold on the bannister to keep her socked feet from slipping on the polished marble, "We want food." She darted her eyes towards Chloé. "And information," she added, turning towards the kitchen.

Nino followed her like he usually did, eyes a bit glazed over in the lovesick way he did when her back was turned. Alya moved around the house in complete comfort, Chloé noted. She knew the Agrestes weren't big entertainers and Adrien never invited people to his house. That being said, these three moved around like they were familiar with the place. Chloé's questions just kept multiplying.

"Alright, chaton," Marinette rolled her eyes at a still flushed Adrien. "We can finish this later if you really want to, but we all have a lot to talk about and I'm sure you're hungry."

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