The Band Shirt

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It was just another night in the Candy Kingdom as Prince Bubba Gumball sat in his royal tub. Bubbles danced around his strawberry face as he sang along to one of Marshall's newest hit songs. He really didn't understand the lyrics, considering he's not an emotional vampire king, but the lyrics fled his lips in harmony. "Oh Marshall," Gumball sighed to himself. "How I wish I could finally tell you how I felt." Gumball reached for his wallet sitting on top of his pink marbled counter. Inside, hidden deep in one of the pockets, he kept one of Marshall Lee's concert photos. He stroked the photo gently, covering his long black locks, and his favorite red flannel. Gumball sank deeper into the bubbly water. He knew Marshall couldn't stand him. The monstrous demon vampire only cared for himself. Still, Gumball couldn't help but fantasize about the mysterious bad boy who had stolen his heart. Sighing, Gumball stuck the photo back into its hiding place and climbed out of the tub. He reached for his favorite fuzzy pink towel and wrapped himself in it, snuggling its dry warmth. His wet feet hit the tiled floor in rhythm as he sang quietly to himself.

Marshall Lee swiftly flew up to Gumball's main window. The prince had mentioned something earlier about wanting one of his band shirts. Marshall had been shocked when the pinkest man alive wanted something so gruesome and dark like one of his band shirts. But, he wasn't going to argue with one of his fans, even if his fan happened to be none other than Prince Gumball. Marshall reached the window only to find out it was wide opened, as if it was welcoming him. He shrugged his shoulders and made his way inside without second thoughts. As he entered, his pointed ears twitched at the sound of Gumball singing his latest song. He couldn't help but smile, staring at the bathroom door which kept the Prince hidden. Marshall hid the band shirt under the bed, and stood quietly in the corner making himself invisible to the Candy Prince.

Gumball entered his bedroom fully clothed unaware that Marshall was standing five feet away from him. The Prince was too focused on screaming lyrics into his hairbrush while dancing around his bedroom to notice the soft laughs coming from Marshall. The laughing grew louder which made Gumball stop in his tracks and stare in the corner where the vampire was hiding. Marshall became visible once again while falling onto Gumball's bed in laughter. He stopped when he saw how red the pink prince became.

"Now careful Gumwad or I'll have to suck the red from your pretty pink face." The vampire continued his laughter as Gumball's face grew in color. He knew if you could die from embarrassment he'd be nothing more than a pile of red sugar.

"Seriously, I'm glad you're a fan and all, but leave the singing to me." Marshall smiled his fangs at Gumball, which caused goosebumps to rise on his bubblegum skin. Marshall seemed to notice.

"Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you dipwad." Marshall leaned down to scoop up the band shirt. "I brought this for you, I'm sorry it's so late. I was out with Fionna on one of her strange adventures." A ping of jealousy washed over Gumball. He knew if Marshall would like anyone, it would be Fionna. And why wouldn't he? She was young and graceful and beautiful. Everything Gumball was not, plus, she had a vagina and Gumball knew that was the deal breaker for Marshall. If Marshall's reputation was correct, he was nothing but a bad boy vampire looking for a good time. Gumball shook the thoughts from his head.

"Thank you Marshall Lee, but I'm afraid breaking into my room isn't the best way to deliver something, you could've just left it with one of the guards." Gumball picked at his purple pjs, wondering why Marshall didn't do just that. He wanted to examine the vampire, take in his looks, but he couldn't bare to meet his gaze. Gumball knew he'd see right through him if he did.

"Well, I was bored and didn't want to go home yet, so I thought I'd stop by." Marshall fell back onto Gumball's bed. He didn't want Gumball to know the real reason to why he came over. The truth, he didn't like being alone. He figured if anyone could understand how that felt it was Gumball. He really didn't have any friends besides the people who worked for him, and I'm sure those don't count as friends.

Gumball sighed and took a seat beside his vampire friend. He finally allowed himself to look at him. His back was completely pressed against his satin pink sheets, and his eyes were closed. His black hair was wet, probably from some weird adventure he went on, and he had a cut on his bottom lip that was oozing blood.

"Marshall Lee!" Gumball squealed, "you're bleeding! Let me get you cleaned up." As Gumball ran into the bathroom, Marshall gently touched his lip and smiled. He hadn't even realized he had been bleeding. He looked down at himself, in fact his whole body was covered in blood. Must of been from the lake monster him and Fionna defeated today. Marshall pulled his bloody gray shirt over his head and pressed it against his lip.

Gumball ran out of the bathroom with a first aid kit in his hands. He stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed the vampire sitting shirtless on his bed. His chest tightened, and he tried to swallow a lump in his throat as he approached Marshall.

"Here Marshall, let me clean that up for you." He tried to regain his calmness as he crouched down in front of Marshall. He gently washed the wound and pressed ice against his face. Gumball's eyes wandered to the hard lines on Marshall's chest, his muscles flexing as he held the ice to his mouth.

"Thanks dork." Marshall slightly punched Gumball in the shoulder. "I should probably get home now. I hope you enjoy the shirt." Marshall flew out the window without another word. Leaving Gumball with nothing but a band shirt, and sexual desire.

A King in Distress (A Gumlee fanfic) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now