Please Don't Make Me

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Marshall Lee quickly flew far away from the Candy Kingdom. He landed about a mile away from his cave so he could walk through the woods and give himself some time to think. Marshall had always known the Candy Prince had some sort of crush on him, he knew about his picture and all his band records. The truth was, Marshall hated being alone. He would often hide out in his friends houses watching them. When he was watching his friends, he didn't think. And thinking always got Marshall in trouble. Even though he was sure if anyone ever caught him he'd be labeled a stalker and lose all his friends. But even that was better than being alone with his thoughts, once he got to thinking it never stopped. He used to think vampires didn't have emotions, but that surely faded after he knew vampires could be depressed. That's what he was, a sad emotionless vampire, but most of all he was alone. He gave up on feeling a long time ago, because everyone that Marshall has ever loved is gone.

He kicked a nearby rock, he heard the sounds of nature mocking him. He remembered the first time he heard Gumball confess his feelings for him. He had been hiding in a corner, and Gumball was on his bed listening to his music. He had confessed it then, trying to gain the courage to finally tell Marshall. Marshall had been shocked, even a little rattled. Honestly, he felt sorry for the gummy prince, because no matter what Marshall would never learn to love again.

Marshall finally arrived home, kicking down the front door and heading straight for his bass. He had a concert tomorrow, and a part of him knew the Prince would be there. He wanted to write a song just for him.

*The Night of the Concert*

Gumball excitedly got ready for Marshall's concert. He hated the atmosphere, but loved to watch Marshall perform. He looked so real up on the stage, Gumball enjoyed seeing him in his pure state. He grabbed his new shirt, which was unlike anything he's ever owned or worn. It was sold black, and had a picture of Marshall Lee covered with blood on the front, with the name of the band dripping down in blood. The sight altogether was frightening, but that made Gumball love it more.

Just as he was about to leave Peppermint Maid knocked on his door. "Sir Gumball?" She called out after him.

"Just a second Pepper!" He was still trying to slip his shoes on, he took one last look in the mirror. Everything about him was pink but his band shirt, the sight made him frown. He wished he had something a little more Marshall's type.

Gumball quickly dismissed himself from the mirror and let Peppermint Maid into his room. She stared at him, looking flustered.

"Why my Prince, what are you wearing this evening?" Gumball's cheeks glowed red.

"Fionna, Cake and I are going to Marshall's concert tonight. This is their band shirt."

Peppermint Maid slightly shook her head and told Gumball his friends were waiting for him.

Fionna and Gumball road Cake through the woods to the concert. The whole time Fionna was ranting about the adventure she had went on the night before with Marshall, but all the Candy Prince could think about was his beloved vampire, and if tonight would be the night he finally confessed his love to him.

Marshall paced behind the stage. He had hoped his new song would finally give Gumball some answers. It wasn't right for the gummy prince to be so involved with someone like him. He knew Gumball deserved better. Marshall stuck his head behind the curtain, the audience was going wild, screaming out his name. He caught sight of Cake in the back, with her Fionna and Bubba staring up at the stage in awe. Marshall smiled at seeing Bubbs in his band shirt, the sight actually seemed to turn him on, but he knew he couldn't let it.

"Shows about to start" he heard someone say behind him while he took the stage.

Gumball's heart fluttered when Marshall took the stage. He tuned his bass and propped up his microphone, and the Prince swore Marshall never took his eyes off him.

"This is a new song, its called Please Don't Make Me." Marshall spoke to the audience as they roared in cheers. The band started playing, the crowd started cheering. Yet Marshall looked like he was alone in the world.

The song took Bubba by surprise. Marshall's song was talking about falling back into heartbreak, and being scared to love. Bubba didn't know why, but he felt like the song was directed towards him. Which couldn't be possible because Marshall had no clue how he felt about him. The last words rang in Gumball's mind.

Please don't make me fall in love with you.

The concert went on and Marshall performed beautifully. Gumball always loved watching him on stage, but for some reason couldn't concentrate. Fionna was yelling with the crowd and Bubba silently watched her. Maybe his song was about her, Gumball always thought Marshall was in love with her. His frustration grew. He was going to get some final answers from Marshall, as soon as the concert was through. Until then, Gumball screamed along with Fionna until the concert was over. Afterwards, he moved through the crowd to find Marshall.

Marshall looked for one face only in the crowd of people. He knew Gumball would have questions, or at least he hoped he did. He wanted to get this problem out of the way as soon as possible. The sooner it was settled, the sooner he could go back to living his carefree life of music and depression. That's all he wanted.

Marshall made his way down the back stage when he noticed a pink Prince in a black band shirt. Gumball smiled when he saw him, and Marshall slightly cursed himself. He knew this was going to be hard.

"Bubbs! How did you like the show?" Gumball made his way to Marshall. He looked like a nervous wreck, Marshall understood his pain.

"It was great, hey, I was wondering if we could go into the woods... to talk... about something... I need to talk about... to you..." Gumball nervously played with the collar of his shirt.

Marshall nodded and they made their way into the woods. They walked for several minutes before Gumball turned around and faced him. His normally pink face was as bright as a cherry. Marshall couldn't help but think how far his blushing went.

"What do you need to talk about gumwad?" Marshall tried to keep the conversation light, but it seemed to have discouraged the prince.

"I... I uhm... I..." Gumball stuttered, looking everywhere but into Marshall's red eyes. "I wanted to let you know... that I.."

Marshall's dead heart twisted in his chest. He should just tell him now, but for some odd reason he didn't want to leave. Not just yet.

"I want to ask about your song." Gumball finally spit out. "I want to make sure you're okay, and to make sure you understand that Fionna isn't going to hurt you. You shouldn't be scared about her hurting you."

Marshall stood shocked. He couldn't think that Gumball actually believed that he liked Fionna. That his song was about her? The Vampire King fell in laughter.

"I.. I don't know what's so funny about your feelings for her." Gumball mentally slapped himself. He had made a fool of himself once again.

Marshall looked up at the Candy Prince. The amusement on his face had vanished, and the woods stood still. Gumball didn't know how to break the silence, so he stood staring into Marshall's bright red eyes.

"Gumball, I don't like Fionna."

Gumball was about to respond, but instead his words were stolen in the wind because Marshall had shoved him into the nearest tree. Gumball cried in pain as the bark bit into his back, but his cries were silenced when Marshall's cold lips captured his own.

Marshall pressed Gumball deeper into the tree with his body, pressing every inch of his skin into him. His hands wrapped around Gumball's warm cheeks as he deepened his kiss. The Candy Prince gripped the front of the vampires shirt, for a second he forgot how to breathe. The moment was over too soon when Marshall pulled back, cursed at the sky, and vanished.

A King in Distress (A Gumlee fanfic) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now