Chapter 2

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- Gavin Ogami portrayed by Drew Ater

I quicken my steps to the physics' building, it's ten minutes before ten, and I had exactly ten minutes walk to get to my destination. I hated people for being late, and the same rule applied to me too.

I wouldn't have been late if wasn't for the damn invader who decided it was a good idea to mark my territory - I spent the entire evening covering the abrasive scent mark with my own. Those freshmen were always too cocky for their own good.

How did I know it's them? It's always them, every year. After tonight orientation, I hoped we could put some sense into their skull that they didn't just run around and messed with other people's land. Not if you wanted to start a war.

I grumbled the entire journey until I saw a familiar silhouette in the shadow. Leaning over the dark grey wall of Physics' entrance was Gavin with his arms crossed upon his chest. We traded an acknowledging nod and made our way to the underground entrance. Each building in the university had an underground Hall which connected to each other and served as one gigantic panic room during the world war. Now the war had ended, these empty rooms were often exploit by the sorority or frat houses or club like ours for occasions and meetings. The zoo club had regular reservation for the underground space at least 4 times a year.

Hushed murmurs were heard as we descending the stair steps. Once we entered the room the hair on my neck stood in respond upon the zeroed gaze from predators in the vicinity. I steeled my back and marched forward toward the higher part of the room that functioned as podium. The crowd of people were thinner near the stage, subconsciously or consciously knew that the place was served for several individuals. and one of those individuals was me.

Approaching closer, I saw the familiar faces who shared the same responsibility as mine.
The first one who greeted me was blonde haired female who had a good foot taller than me.

"Yaki," she said shortly in a slightest hint of smile on the edge  of her full lips.

"Kaitlyn," I smiled back in return at the Harphy eagle. Her second in command Branson though was less friendly, but I decided to ignore him, like I'd always had.

"is he here?" I referred to the oldest person  in the room who had the tendency to lurk in the shadow.

Suddenly strong arms embraced me into a tight vice grip and lifted me off the concrete ground and swung me like a plush toy instead of 143 pounds man. Instinctively I would have pounced my way to escape the breath taking clutch, but my sense of smell informed me not to.

"Yaki," the polar bear chanted my name as he swung me from side to side playfully. I heard my second in command chuckled and even Kaitlyn's smile was even more pronounced than before.

"put me down you big Oaf," I said to Marcus grudgingly at his usual affectionate display of power.

Thankfully he obliged. Once I had my feet on the ground once more, I turned and glared at the towering man - most people are taller than me - who had a goofy grin on his expression. His second in command, Nason, gave a sympathetic smile.

"How's everyone's holiday?" Marcus asked cheerfully. The word "fine," were muttered by the Eagle and me at the same time.

I gazed upon the crowd from my spot. I found some curious glance were directed at our direction - there's no doubt that they were the freshmen. The senior and sophomore eyed us in respect if not downright distasteful resentment. We got  used of the treatment after a while. Another thing to notice was how some people were distancing themselves from each other. Few were lingering on the back with their shoulders pressed against the wall and eyes laser focus scanning the crowd. While other were huddling into groups and having hushed chatter.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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