Chapter 6

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     Last night as I walked away from the living room I told myself that I wouldn't cry and that it wasn't true, it couldn't be true. I told myself That I'd be strong.
But as soon as I walked into my room and locked my door. The water works started coming. Loud sobs from deep inside me.
Because I knew, I just knew that it was true. I was getting married and there's no two ways about it.
So I cried my heart out until my eyes closed and I slept off.

Now I was awake my pillow was damp with my tears I'm pretty sure if I squeezed it hard enough I'd get a few droplets of tears.
Mother came a few hours ago. Asking me to come down. Or have just breakfast. I ignored her for a while and when she kept insisting i yelled at her to go away.
Explains why she's was sad yesterday. I know it wasn't her fault hell she probably didn't have a choice either. But I just feel betrayed.

How could she let them do this?

I stared at my clock. The time was fifteen past four in the afternoon. I haven't eaten in about twenty four hours yet I wasn't hungry. My stomach felt like it was filled with lead.
I knew I'd have to to face reality to soon but for I just wanted to stay in my bed snuggling under my sheets.
I'd deal with the wedding crap later maybe tomorrow but not today.


I'd being up for a few minutes. mother's knocking woke me up again at around six in the evening. I think she was crying. She'd threatened to have someone breakdown the door if I didn't let her in. But I was still mad. What can I say? I know how to hold a grudge. I think she noticed I wasn't gonna open the door so she gave up and left. That was two hours ago.
Right now I'm starving. You'd think the anger would take my appetite away but what can I say? I'm not used to being empty.

Rolling out of bed still dressed in my pajama pants and sponge bob square pants tank. I pull my hair into a messy ponytail and walked downstairs.

My mission? Go to the kitchen, get some dinner and go back up. Don't talk to anyone if I can help it. if I'm lucky enough I won't even see any one.

But then since I've never boasted that the the big guy upstairs loves me everyone just had to be having dinner in the kitchen today.

The not so important conversation they were having paused as soon as I entered. Even Manuel was here. If you asked me before today, I could have sworn he didn't know the way to the kitchen. So either this was planned or a lot had changed in the two and a half years I was away.

"Lola come sit, Lisa will make you a plate" mother said. Her face looked puffy. She's being crying.

"Thanks but am not very hungry" okay so that was a major lie. But so what? I don't want to see anyone right now.

"We have to discuss your marriage" My father snapped.

"You can't expect me to marry someone I don't even know! to get married just like that, to get married just like that? out of the blue?" I snapped right back anger coating my voice.

"Yes you will Dolores, and at the night of your wedding you will spread your legs and carry out your duty!" He deadpan. His eyes filled with rage.

I glared at him. How can he be like this? why is he like this? "Why does it have to be me? I'm sure someone else would be more than happy to take my pla-"

"Enough! you two" Manuel cut in. stack irritation on his face.
God I'd almost forgotten he was in the room as well.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but Lola is right father. We shouldn't force her" I snapped my neck so quickly to kat I think I broke something but I'll deal with that later. Did kat just supported me? I mean we've being fighting over everything for as long as I can remember.

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