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No, I'm not quitting Wattpad, things are going to be a little late that's all, don't worry they're on their way ;) <3

-3rd POV-

"What's your name" The blue suited man said as he helped Evan put his pants back on.


"Well Evan, You can call me Daddy!" Daddy said as he laughed a weird ass laugh.

"Daddy?! W-why daddy?" Evan said as he stepped back.

"Relax Evan, I'm just messing with you my name is Mr. Denis, now let's go put Tyler in detention..." Mr.Denis said with a sigh as he brought Evan onto his feet and walked him to the bathroom quickly to put on new black tight pants with his red jacket and went with Mr. Denis to the principal office to wright a report on Tyler.

-20 minutes later-

"Alright Evan, I'm sorry that happened to you, but I'll send you home early so you won't have to be sad the whole day" Mr.Denis said with a frown as he patted Evan's back.

"Okay.....t-thank you" Evan said as he got up from a brown chair and left the office. Once her heard the door close he immediately felt like he wanted to cry as he carried  his backpack and walked slowly in the hallways until he saw a person walk up to him.

"Hi!" The person said as he walked in front of Evan.

Evan looked up and waved putting on a smile and instantly a frown.

"What's wrong?" The person said as he immediately grew worried.

"I don't wanna talk about it-"

"Hey aren't you the new kid? Where ya headed?" The person said as he brushed his blue hair to the side to fix his glasses.

"Yes I am the new kid and I'm going home..."

"I'll guide you to the exit, I-is that okay?" The person said.

"I guess?... thanks..." Evan said as he walked passed the person and continued walking as the person walked with him.

"I'm Craig, but most people call me miniladd because I'm shorter then all of them" Craig said as he chuckled.

"My names Evan..." Evan said as they both walked downstairs until they both saw Tyler walking upstairs with a security guard next to him.

"Tyler Again?!!" Craig yelled as Tyler shrugged while smirking. Evan instantly looked down at the stairs and walked quickly down. Craig looked at Evan and then back at Tyler and narrowed his eyebrows.

Tyler felt guilty as he looked down at the floor as he continued to walk to the office as Craig chased Evan.

Evan ran to another hallway hopefully losing Craig and started to shed a tear as he continued to walk in the hallway slowly.

"Evan! Fuck...thank god I found you again!" Craig said as he tried to catch his breath and held onto Evan's shoulder until Evan shrugged it off.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry... but if you ever want to talk about it, I'll be there for you... here's my number" Craig said as he wrote down his phone number on a blue sticky note and handed it to Evan.

"Call me"~

Craig whispered as he did the cell phone sign near his ear as he continued to walk back to class.

Evan looked at Craig walking back to the steps and looked down at the sticky note and smiled as he put it in his pocket and opened the door to see his mom smile.

Once Evan got in the car he kissed his mother on the cheek as she smiled sweetly and began to drive home.

-30 minutes later, The bell rings-

-Craig's POV-
"What the fuck Tyler?..." I said as I stood up from the blue waiting chair to see Tyler get out the office.

"What?" Tyler said, surprised I'll even be here waiting for him.

"Don't what me, how could you do that to Evan?" I said with a frown.

"Who?" He asked.

"The new kid!" I said loudly.

Tyler stood there looking at Craig not saying a word and looked at he ground feeling guilty.

-3rd POV-

"I'm sorry okay?!" Tyler said as he sighed and walked in a hallway.

"Don't say sorry to me! Say sorry to Evan..." Craig yelled as he walked the other way.

Tyler sighed and frowned in guilt as he shouldn't have tried to do that to poor little Evan.

Tyler walked into his Math class and sat next to his friend with curly hair and headphones on humming to a song.

"Wassup Marcel!" Tyler greeted with a smile.

Marcel looked up surprised as he took out his phone pausing the song and taking his headphones off and putting it on his desk.

"Ayeeee wassup Tyler, how you been?" Marcel said as he did a handshake with Tyler.

"I went to the office..." Tyler said as he sighed.

"Don't tell me you ra-" Marcel said as Tyler shushed Marcel.

"Not so loud dumbass!" Tyler whispered.

"Wow..." Marcel said as he face palmed himself. Tyler scratched the back of his neck as he awkwardly smiled at Marcel.

Marcel shook his head as he grabbed his phone and put the song on full volume not caring about what Tyler wanted to say as he continued working on a drawing.

Tyler sighed and he shook his head thinking about what he did.

Craig glanced at Tyler at the end of the day as he continued walking in the hallway going outside to his bus and sat down next to Marcel.

Once Craig made it home he set his books down onto his black desk and gasped as his phone ringing in his pocket.

Craig saw an unknown caller calling him.

Accept or Decline?


"Hello?" Craig answered.


"Hey....it's Evan"

THREE HUNDRED FOLLOWERS BITCH!?!?? (I'm still surprised)

Thank you all so much! I had fun being here on Wattpad and experiencing so many people getting in love with my books 😍📚

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Thank you all so much!
I had fun being here on Wattpad and experiencing so many people getting in love with my books 😍📚

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