It's Time To Leave

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Skyla's POV

I woke up at 8:00 thinking about the night before and the fight Mikey and mum had I got up thinking it would be a nice morning until I heard screaming coming from down stairs " MIKEY YOU DO NOTHING FOR THIS FAMILY YOU ARE DOING NOTHING EXCEPT SIT AROUND AND PLAY WITH THAT DAMN COMPUTER" it sounded like mum I heard a reply from Mikey "ME NOTHING? I GO OUT WITH THIS CAMERA AND EARN MOENY FOR THIS FAMILY WHAT THE FUCK DO U DO OH THATS RIGHT....NOTHING" I went down stairs and see my mum and Mikey in each others face I stood next to Mikey who was leaning against the wall my mother backed out and went to the kitchen. " I always knew your father wasn't a good farther" mum mumbled Mikey heard her " HE WAS A BETTER PARENT THAN YOU AND HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT HE DIED IN A CAR CRASH" she got angry and suddenly threw a glass to the wall I was standing near the glass shards hit  my face making a big cut down the face "Skyla!!!" Mikey said "owwwww" I yelped in pain because of the sting in my face" Mikey took me into his arms. Tyler came running down becuase of the glass noise "Omg Skyla are u okay" Tyler said "a...a....are you okay" mum said she was slowly walking towards me, Mikey stood in from of mum and me trying to protect me from her doing any more damage then she has already done "STAY AWAY FROM HER" Mikey yelled "SHES MY CHILD" mum screamed back "Tyler take Sky upstairs" 

Mikey's POV

Tyler nodded and picked up skyla and took her upstairs I tried to follow but then mum stood infront of me I walked by and mum said "DONT U DARE WALK AWAY FROM ME" I ignored and stepped 1 foot onto the first step then suddenly mum pushed me against the wall hard and I felt a bad ache in my back "I...I" she tried saying but she was cut off by me running upstairs and telling Tyler to pack his bags then help his sister.

Tyler's POV

I packed my own bag and helped Skyla after I did that, Mikey limped in "are u okay Mikey" I said "yeah I'm fine" he replied in a very pissed voice he picked up our bags and went down stairs he opened the door and said let's go "Mikey we can't just leave like this she is a wreck" I explained "I don't care no one eles is going to get hurt" I looked over behide me to Skyla who still had her cut on her face she looked terrified she looked at Mikey agreeing with me that we cannot leave her like this "Fine! You guys wait in the car though" Mikey said with a very annoyed voice he threw me the keys to his car and I escorted Skyla to the car.

Mikey's POV

After Tyler left with Skyla I kneeled down to mum and said "Until you stop acting insane we're leaving Skyla,Tyler and myself is gone and not coming back" she screamed NO but by then I was already walking out the door to my car. I got in the car to see Tyler and Sky. Skyla looked outside to see mum trying to stop us Sky bolted into tears Tyler noticed and hugged and told her it will be okay. 

                                                                                         2 hours later (still in the car) 

Mikey's POV

I looked to see Sky on Tylers shoulder and Ty leaning against the window they looked so adorable I looked back onto the road I still felt that bad ache in my back "that's going to leave a bruise" I said to myself "What?" "Oh Tyler I thought u were asleep" I said "where are we going" "to Seaside" I quickly said "Jake and Admire is also coming" I also said "cool but where are we going to sleep?" Tyler said with worries in his voice "I don't know" I implied I realised I'm probably scared Tyler "probably at admires" I quickly said I tried to say with out an worried so I didn't scare Tyler. 

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