Chapter 5

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Quick Tyson POV about there partnering up then them hanging out then back to Spencer okay?okay.

See what I did there? okay bye...


"Wheeeew big house." I say as I follow her into the house this thing was huge.

"Yeah after we moved my dad got this super good paying job. He hates it though, I don't even know why he does it he used to work in the oil field much more exciting." She says without looking at me. I follow her down some stair to, I'm guessing the basement. I'm about to following into her room but she slams the door in my face. I'm confused for a second but then I hear some rustling and laugh to myself. I lean against the opposite wall as I wait for her to finish. She opens the door and gestures extravagantly into her room.

"Enter the cave of awesomeness!" I laugh at that and walk into her room. She goes over and sets up the keyboard. I look around the room her walls definitely have their fair share of band posters, and when I look up I see a Canadian flag covered in signatures. I walk over to where I see a bunch of metals and ribbons the musical ones I expected but when I saw one that said '2012 CHEERLEADING PROVINCIAL CHAMPIONS' I was a little taken back. This girl as far from the platinum blond bimbos on our school team was a provincial champion at cheerleading.

"Cheerleading huh? Never expected that why didn't you join when you moved?" I asked while looking at another medal.

"Umm no thanks we were like a family. No offence but your team is basically a bunch of stuck up snobs who wouldn't hesitate to stab each other in the back but they are good." Agreed with her there it's definitely dog-eat-dog on that squad. I give her a curious look, all I could think was wow this girl is actually interesting. She gave me an awkward look and fidgeted with her hair. "Well you want to get started, oh by the way I want to change the song to one with better harmonies?" she says as she passes me some lyrics. I agree to change the song I knew this one better anyway. I looked at the lyrics she had already highlighted the places she wanted me to sing. She started playing and her line came first. Fuck she could sing from the first line I was mesmerized I almost missed my line. What the hell Tyson get over it you fucker, I thought to myself and focused more on the song.

We worked on the song for about an hour and a half we changed who would sing what and by the end of it we were really good, or at least I thought so. She asked what I wanted to do and I didn't know how to answer. I'm pretty sure she absolutely hated me this morning, what the fuck.

"What? I'll be bored as fuck and I need something to do AND I haven't had company in a while so sue me." She says not looking at me again. I quickly tell her whatever is cool. She pulls out COD and I'm shocked and can't resist the call of the Xbox. About five minutes later she's swearing like a god damn sailor and killing everything in sight. When I play I have strategy but she just goes around with her damn mini gun shooting at everything that catches her eye.

"Damn girl how are you so good?" I ask with extreme fascination as I kill a bot from behind with a knife. I don't know how to respond to her answer of having nothing to do but videogames since she moved here so I just give a 'humph' and we go back to killing things. When we get bored of this we decide to watch a movie. I argue that I should pick the movie because I am the guest but she just dismisses it and calls herself the 'Movie Master' this girl is fucking weird but fun. About half way through were laughing so hard we need to take a break she gets up and goes into the kitchen and comes back with two water bottles.

"Thanks" I say as she passes me one, "so what are your plans after graduation?" her answer stuns me I don't know anyone with that clear of a plan and it's no boring plan either. Traveling the world helping people and it's like she knows she's going to succeed. I just kind of stare at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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