Chapter 1

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A clash of metal against metal echoed in the high-walled arena; their swords forced together with 4 strong arms. One man cloaked in black armor shoved his smaller opponent away with a big push, knocking the other man unbalanced.

"Again!" An older man shouted from the stands. "This time, Elizah, keep your feet planted in the ground and push back!"

The man helped Elizah to his feet and they both got into the fighting position again. This time, taking the older man's advice he planted his feet firmly into the dirt. Their swords were shoved against each other yet again. The man looked at Elizah in the eyes, smirking.

Elizah knew he didn't have a chance at knocking this man over by one blow, it would take multiple hits before he could achieve victory. When he saw the man's arm twitch Elizah ducked and twisted around him, their swords breaking contact, and Elizah had the advantage this time. He kicked the back of the man's leg, unsteadying him, then went to shove the man over with all the force he could muster.

The man toppled over and landed with a thud, only to quickly jump back up. But it was too late for him to retaliate, Elizah had won.

"Elizah!" The old man snarled, "You continue to not listen to my orders! You ungrateful bra-"

"Enough Maximus, he has proved himself enough. It seems your training isn't helping my son like you said it would," The King looks at Maximus, "he's teaching himself." The King finishes while walking down to the arena.

"Father," Elizah greets with a nod.

"My son, how is your training? I assume you are improving?"

"Yes father, I am learning as I go."

"Well then, you are excused for the day," King Michel says with a smile. "You do, after all, need to prepare yourself for the celebration tonight."

"Indeed, father. I shall go right away." Elizah turns and nods to his opponent then briskly walks back to the castle as his guard tails him.

"As for you," The King turns to Maximus, "my son will no longer require your service."

"But your highness!"

The King glares at the old man.

The old man casts his eyes down, chastened. "Yes, sire."

And with that, the King walks back to his quarters, the Royal guards follow closely behind.

~6 hours later~
"Prince Elizah, shall I go fetch your father?" A servant asks.

"Yes, Albion, I believe I am ready to present myself." He replies kindly.

The servant bows slightly while exiting, the prince hated when everyone treated him like he was already the King. But he wasn't, and most likely wouldn't be, as he was only second heir to the throne. His brother, Ralphiel would become the successor.

His brother, yes, Ralphiel was more fit to be King. He was strong-minded, knowledgeable, and quite the hot head at times, but overall, he would make a good King, just like his father. Elizah was the thinker of the family, more in his head than outside of it. He normally kept to himself, but he speaks with respect; to anyone, no matter status. This is why the townsfolk had favored him over his brother, he was more like his mother. But he didn't have the heart to hurt others, whomever they may be.

The king opened the doors and walked in, followed by the queen.

"Elizah, how dashing you look, my darling." She complimented while walking over to her son and wrapping her delicate arms around him.

"Thank you mother, you look lovely, as always." He replied with a smile.

"So, Elizah, do you intend to look for a bride at the ball? You have come of age and I've heard the townsfolk wondering if you'll ever marry before 70." Ralphiel states sarcastically while also joining his family in his brother's room.

"Yes, brother," Elizah chuckles. "I do intend to be wed, but only when the right lady comes along."

"Elizah, you can't wait forever." The King adds. "Your brother was already wedded at your age."

"Darling, you remember how you too had waited for the right lady, do you not?" His mother cooed.

"Yes dear, I do. And I will never wish I hadn't." The King smiles and holds her hand lovingly. He then turns to Elizah. "I will allow you to wait for another year, but then you will decide."

"Alright father." He nodded. Turning to his mother he offered his arm. "May I have the honor of escorting Lady Dulicus to the ballroom?"

"You may." His mother replied with a bright smile. "I will see you at the party tonight, darling." She informs her husband.

The King nods and gives Lilyith a kiss of the cheek. "Until then."

And with that, Elizah walks out the room and down the grand stairs to the ballroom. Excitement clearly written on his face. Would he meet the love of his life tonight? The other half to his soul, the one he was destined to be with?

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