Chapter 1

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When a woman stands alone, she is able to prove herself. She brings herself forth, and shows the world what she is capable of. She proves that whatever the challenge, she can handle it. And Karina Potter was no exception.

She was once an innocent child. Strong, independent, and maybe a little frightened of the world ahead of her. She had no idea what was to come, and she was ready. Or so she thought.

The night her brother and his wife died, she thought it was the end, until she found herself with the responsibility of raising her nephew, Harry, alongside her best friend.

Now, after the death of her husband and her best friend, she finds herself once again tasked with what seems an impossible task. Raising two more little boys, called Sirius James and Teddy. But this time around, she has a little more help.

It all started with Andromeda, who insisted on helping Karina as much as possible with the boys. She had wanted to take Teddy herself, but Remus wanted Karina to be his godmother more than anything. He had known that if anybody could raise his son, even while busy with her own, it would be her. He had known that she would raise him right.

But Andromeda still came over as often as she could to visit and play with her grandson. Karina knew it was because she was lonely without Ted and Tonks, and allowed her to play with Teddy as much as she pleased while Karina cared for Sirius, who always seemed confused why Teddy always had someone coming over to play with him but nobody came to play with Sirius every day.

That being said, it wasn't as if Sirius didn't get enough attention. Every Sunday, and often more than that, Harry came over for dinner and would tell his younger brother stories before bed, just as Karina used to. He told stories of his days in school, trying to leave all of the scarier ones from being told. He didn't think that the story of how Voldemort murdered his parents was a great bedtime story for a baby.

The two little boys grew and grew, and Karina was happy raising them, but she still gave her eldest son plenty of attention. Especially on this night, three years after the war.

It was the night of the weekly dinner that Karina and Harry both insisted on having. And quite often of the occasion, they would ask/force Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Neville to come along. And this night was no exception.

As the Weasley siblings and Hermione entered Karina's house, they didn't suspect anything too suspicious. They came in and only saw Neville playing with Sirius and Teddy on the floor. (Andromeda had joined a knitting club with a few other older witches.)

"Hey, Neville." Ron said, and Neville gave a small wave, his other hand being fought over by the boys. Sirius wanted him to play blocks, while Teddy wanted to play puzzles."Where's Karina and Harry?"

"They're in the kitchen. Told me that they needed to talk privately, and don't want anyone going in there." 

"Why go in there when the party's out here?" They heard a rather excited voice call, and Karina and Harry appeared from the kitchen, Harry red faced and looking at the ground, while Karina was smiling and rather excited. This made them all wonder what the Potters were planning. 

The dinner went as normally as it could have been, though Ginny and Hermione noticed something that Ron and Neville overlooked. The kitchen was a little too nice looking. Karina set up Sirius and Teddy in their little toddler table that Karina had set up for the night a little ways away from the table, which was covered in a scarlet tablecloth, two white candles sitting in golden candle holders on either side of a blue vase filled with roses. The wooden chairs had been polished, and the room was dusted. 

Even Karina and Harry appeared to be dressed nicer than usual. Karina wore a red skirt with a black, button down top, little black flats on her feet. Harry wore a black jacket and a pair of rather dressy pants, a red shirt underneath and black shoes. 

"Wow, we really are having some sort of party, aren't we?" Ron joked, and Karina nodded, smiling at Harry as he brought in a large bottle of red wine.

"Karina, what's the occasion?" Hermione asked, eyeing the plates, which weren't anything too fancy, but they seemed nicer than normal. Usually, Karina might pull out paper plates or mismatched plates if she wasn't in a hurry. Every single plate was a white and shining from the light provided by the candles and the overhead light. The table was set, including very nice looking wine glasses. 

Karina merely shrugged as she uncorked the wine and poured a little into each glass. "Just thought that we're all here tonight, we might as well do things a little nicer than normal. You never know what's going to happen." Ginny furrowed her eyebrows, still a little confused, especially when Karina's hand slipped over her glass. She wondered what Karina had done. 

Dinner was served, roast with a side of mashed potatoes and carrots, and conversation was little. The most noise was from Sirius and Teddy, who were pelting each other with their food, Karina occasionally having to stop pieces of food from hitting the adults and throwing it back at them, much to their amusement. Other than that, they were all focused on their meals, Ginny especially. This was one of her favourite meals, and she wondered if Karina knew that. 

"So, Neville, have you tried the wine?" Karina asked towards the end of the meal, as she caught and threw a piece of carrot at Sirius. "It's been in my cupboard for years." Neville's cheeks turned red, and he quickly took a sip of his wine.

"Its really good, Aunt Karina." he told her, and she smiled as he turned to Ginny. "Ginny, did you try it? It doesn't taste half bad!" Ginny looked at the blood red liquid in her glass, a little nervous. She had never really tasted wine before. Frankly, neither had Neville, so maybe it didn't taste too terrible. She picked up her glass and stared into the glass as she lifted the edge to her mouth, and saw something shining inside.

"What in the name of Merlin...?" She murmured, not seeing the glance that Karina and Harry exchanged. She quickly sipped the wine, not enjoying the dry taste, and dumped the shining object onto her napkin, and saw that it was a shining, topaz stone, ring. "What...?" She looked to Harry, whose face was as red as the tablecloth. "Harry?" He nodded, standing up and coming around, shakily getting down on his knee.

"G-Ginny... Will you marry me?" She jumped up, knocking her chair over, her hand over her mouth in shock, before nodding.

"Yes." She mumbled behind her hand. "Yes, yes!" She said louder, falling to her knees and wrapping her arms around Harry's neck. "Yes, Harry! I will marry you!"

Karina Potter Time Traveling MarauderWhere stories live. Discover now