Chapter 2

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With the wedding to plan, Molly was over at Karina's house every single day. She was definitely much more enthusiastic about Ginny's wedding than she was Bill's. Then again, Ginny and Harry's wedding was much less rushed that Bill and Fleur's. And it was a good thing too. Karina was so confused! There was too much to remember! There were the flowers, the location, the caterer, the outfits, the guests, everything! It boggled Karina's mind that Bill and Fleur's wedding had the ability of being so rushed when she was supposed to plan a wedding in a few months!

Harry did what he could to help, but he wasn't much of  a help at all. While Ginny and Molly went dress shopping and picked flowers, Harry and Karina had to find a location, pick a flavour of cake, and pick a colour scheme!

"Candy apple, cardinal, carnelian, cerise... There's too many!" Harry told Karina as he peered through the colour swatches that Ginny had picked out. And there was a LOT. Karina's kitchen table looked as though someone had poured paint all over it.

"Well, what does carnelian look like?" She asked as she paced back forth, flipping through papers upon papers of foods that Ginny had found and suggest for her to cook. "That sounds like a nice colour."

"That's just it! They're all red!" Harry exclaimed, and Karina looked over to see that indeed, all of the colours that Harry held in his hand were a shade of red. "Ginny really wants red because we're both Gryffindors, but then she went through all these thousands of other colours!"

"Just go for carnelian then!" Karina told him, exasperated, just as Teddy came in to see what they were doing, and stood on his toes to see what Harry was looking at.

"That one!" He told Harry, pointing at the one labelled Rose. Harry raised an eyebrow, giving the smaller boy a look.

"You think so, huh?" Teddy nodded.

"Yes! It looks best!" Harry compared the rose to the carnelian, and saw no difference, but chose not to argue with three year old logic, and gathered up all of the swatches into a pile, setting the rose aside, then moved onto looking at pictures of his choice of flowers. Luckily, Ginny had narrowed it down to five choices.

Harry looked between them, Teddy climbing into the chair beside him. Teddy watched as Harry flipped through the flowers, and took the lilies out of the pile. Teddy hit his arm at that. "No! Not those!" Harry's eyebrows, and he looked down at Teddy.

"No? You don't think so?" Teddy bobbed his head up and down.

"Are they for Auntie Ginny?" He asked, and Harry nodded. "Then no! She won't like them!" He took the picture from Harry and threw it on the floor, before standing on his chair and looking at the choices, and pointed at the hydrangeas. "Those ones! Those are pretty 'nuff for her!" Harry picked up the picture and studied the purple flowers. They were pretty. And the purple would look good with her red hair...

"Good choice, Teddy." He set the photo of the hydrangeas aside with the shade the red, as Karina groaned.

"Ugh! I've never even heard of half of these dishes! What does she think I am? A master chef?" She turned a few papers over. "And she has three types of cakes chosen that she wants us to choose from? What in the world is this?!" She carried the papers over and dropped them in front of the equally frazzled groom. "Forget it! You have a mad bride!"

"That one!" Once again, Teddy had the answer. He pointed at one that was vanilla flavoured with a strawberry centre. It was decorated with three layers, red roses decorating the edges and an arch at the top with doves flying over it, the bride and groom cake topper kissing lovingly. It was simple, yet elegant.

"You really think so, Teddy?" She asked, pushing her hair out of her face.

"Yes! Auntie Ginny will love it!" He insisted, just as the mad bride-to-be herself walked in the front door with Molly.

"We're here!" She called, setting a few boxes on the ground and coming in, putting her arms around Harry and Karina. "How's it going in here?" Karina smiled, her face flushing red.

"Just picking out a cake!" Ginny looked at the sheet, and gasped.

"Oh, that one is perfect!" She told Karina, hugging her tightly. "Oh, its wonderful!" Then she turned to Harry. "what about the flowers? And the shade of red for the banners?" Harry quickly picked up the rose colour swatch and the picture of the hydrangea, then handed them to Ginny, who examined them. "Exactly what I was thinking!" She told him, kissing his cheek. "I wanted to be sure you liked them too!" Then she hurried away, squealing excitedly, Harry and Karina looking at each other, then to Teddy, then at each other, then back at Teddy, then again to each other.

"But we didn't pick those." Karina murmured.  "Teddy did." Harry looked to the little boy, who had found interest in trying to bring his teal hair into his mouth.

"Teddy, do you think you could help us more with the wedding?" He asked. "I don't know if we could do it without you." Teddy nodded happily.

"Uh huh! I can help!"

"Teddeeeeeee!" That was when Sirius James came toddling in, looking furious. "Where did you go, you pumpkin head? We were playing a game!"

"Sirius!" Karina went into Mum Mode at once. "We don't call people names!" Sirius screamed at her, wanting Teddy to come and play with him again. But neither Teddy, nor Harry were listening. They were picking out a shade of gold and choosing which flowers would look best around the church.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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