Clexa x1

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As Clark road through the gates of Arcadia, she gazed at the people working. Whether they were farming, building or fixing, they seemed content with how life on earth had ended up. Yes there had been many downfalls and lives had been lost, but now the people of the Ark had finally settled into life on the ground.

"Hey, Clark. Raven needs you in tech." One of the men yelled. Though she had never met him, the name Aaron sprung to mind as a partly familiar face smiled up at her. She thanked him and jumped down from her horse, heading onto what used to be their ship.

"What's the problem?" She asked in a serious tone. "Is everything okay?"

"Seemingly. Nothings wrong but somethings curious." Clark raised her brow at Raven, telling her to give a useful answer. Sighing, the brunette continued. "Your girlfriend seems to have found a radio... However, she doesn't know how to work it." Raven pressed a button on one of the many keyboards and components and the sweet familiar voice sprang out of the speakers.

'Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? If this is working I have a message for skykru. It seems one of your people have gone rouge. We have him secured but he's threatening Clark... He goes by Murphy?'

"Me, you and Octavia. To Polis. Now. And she's not my girlfriend." Raven nodded and grabbed her bag and gun, limping after Clark who called for their third while heading for the stables.


Two hours later and the girls arrived at the main city, their horse taken at the gates where they were met with Lexa.

They were lead through the city to an abandoned building. Opening the door revealed a bloodied, mangled figure of a man.

"Hey, Clark, long time no see." Murphy gave her a sickening smile, blood covering his teeth.

"We found him in one if the reaper caves while trying to save one of our men. However, they seemed to ignore the fact that he existed." Lexa explained, looking confused.

"So you've been to Arcadia? How?" Murphy grinning again.

"Oh, nieve little Clarky. I've been watching you for months. And it seems you've been hiding secrets from your booty call here." He nodded toward Lexa who was already looking at her.

"I'll tell you later, for now we need him secured properly. He was notorious for breaking out on the Arc." Lexa nodded and started talking to two guards who dragged Murphy out if the room.

The three headed up to the commanders room but Raven pulled Clark back a bit." Booty call huh?" Clark rolled her eyes and walked on, leaving Raven to smirk to herself.


A few hours later and arrangements with Murphy were done. He would be taken to Arcadica and trialed with grounders on the jury. Raven had been taken to tempery accommodation.

"So some of Skykru know?" Lexa asked bluntly, gazing at Clark with slight fear in her eyes. Most would only see a cold starre but Clark had gotten used to reading the commanders emotions.

"It appears so. Though I'm not surprised they guessed. Our treaty did arise out if no where. Something must have happened." Clarkson voice had lowered, she grazed her fingers up Lexa arm, making her shiver.

Lexa gulped and continued to starre into Clarkson eyes, unable to move. She bit her lip as Clark moved closer, nearly an inch away from kissing her.

A lot of they're encounters started like this. While Lexa seemed cool and collected, she was very much a submissive in the bedroom... Or tent... Or in the woods depending on how needing they both were.

Clark grinned at her ability to flustered her girlfriend over and over without fail. "It's a shame I have to leave early in the morning." Clark started while moving away from Lexa, her shoulders dropping. "There's almost no point sleeping g at all..."

Clark was over by the bed when Lexa whipped round to face her, her breathing intensified and purples already dialating. Lexa gulped, trying to find the words when she had a thought.

"Well, Wanada, is there another way for me to take your power?" A cheeky grin appeared on bother of their faces.

Clark racked her eyes up and down Lexa body as her the tangle of fabric and armour fell to the flour I one swift motion. She then preceded to strip herself down to her under water before climbing ontop og the latter who had now claimed onto the bed.

Clark captured Lexa's lips in a passionate kiss before moving down to her jaw, collar, breasts, stomach and finally hovered around Lexa's thighs.

Lexa whined and wiggled at the feel of her girlfriend's breath so close to her wet centre. She was taking too long and it had been a long day, so why not take things into her own hands.

Before she could thing Clark was flipped over onto her back with Lexa's knees either side of her head and her core pressed firmly to her mouth. Clark heard a long groan as she started to flick her toungue up and around Lexa clit. She then moved then so she could fit two fingers inside her, pumping in and out making Lexa moan even louder.

Clark herself moaned into Lexa as she felt a finger dip inside her. Lexa soon added another finger and started pumping as fast as her arms would let her while curling her fingers over and hitting Clark's g-stop over and over.

Soon enough bother girls reached their climax and came together. Lexa toppled over and laid next to her girlfriend, breathing hard.

Clark giggled and moved back on top over. "Ready for put two?" She asked breathily, earning a grin.


By the time the girls had had enough the sun could bee seen rising over Polis. "Damn." Clark whisper, getting a chuckle out of Lexa. "I guess we should tell our people about us huh? It would be better than rumours spreading."

"I agree, and our people should have the right to know."

"How though, I'm sure there will be plenty of people that oppose the idea."

"Well our protocol is for the two partners to have a ritual, similar to what you would call a wedding, to present their live to the public. It's to show that you are not afraid to show care and emotion for each other." Lexa said, looking at the ceiling.

"Y-you want to marry me." Clark asked, starring at her girlfriend.

"Would you like me to get on one knee. I remember you saying that it's an indication of the question to come." Clark smiled and shook her head.

"I believe you've already asked, and yes I would love to marry you." They bother smiled and shaired a passionate kiss. Clark grinned as she rested her head on Lexa's shoulder.

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