Decision Time

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The wedding day

It turns out Ruby Ogden (Julia's sister) took the ring out of my drawer and the letter. But i was being held in custody so Julia could not come to talk to me about it. So there was a letter I tore it open, there was no time to think all the others were gone - I had to get to that church. I cycled the fastest I have every cycled in my life I can't be late I thought to myself this gave me the boost to keep cycling. Finally I made it, I did not want to seem clumsy so I went for a fast walk instead of a run. I was at the doors "here it goes" I said. I heard them saying their pre marriage speech -Darcy. I walked in: i felt everyone's eyes going on me.' Awkwardly coughs'. "Can we help you sir "said the minister

"No.. I ..I mean yes" I said nervously. "Julia I knew since the day I saw you you are going to be the one for me. I wanted to be your fiancé before you went to buffalo but I got there too late the train left. So now I am asking you *gets down on one knee then her jaw drops * Julia Ogden will you marry me?" . Silence held the room for a few moments as Darcy's face filled with anger and sadness. "Yes !" Julia replied. Everyone seemed in shock. Then I went up to give her a peck on the cheek- this is my dream came true. All of a sudden the room burst into to applause. Then the anger burst out , Darcy came up in an aggressive manner but I just said calmly "Julia said I was free to renew our relationship anytime but it had to be before the wedding-before the vows. So that day was the best day of my life because I had the women that I wanted and I was walking out holding hands with her even though she could have been someone else's. Now to make the future plans- where we would settle down would we adopt and when so many questions went through my head but all of that could be put on hold for the moment as I had a Special date planned for me and Julia- it was going back to the park we had our first kiss in.

That was such as magical night even though the alcohol helped things on their way.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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